Hi, my name is Zachary McQuaid, I was born in 1993, in Bowmanville, Ontario. I started blogging/vlogging, making my own websites, creating YouTube content, singing, as well as playing guitar since 2005. I am an independant artist - musician, video designer/website designer, blogger/vlogger, writer, and also currently a student. I love spirituality and I also come with some truly bizarre life experiences in my life already... and especially since the year 2019. Please check out the "My Case" page on this website to read about my case in a lot more detail, and please check out my bands music as well. 

Please sign my petition to ban Thomas Schoenberger (the man responsible for the infamous Q Anon Misinformation cult involving Donald Trump as well, whom I worked with from 2019 to early 2020) from all online social media platforms, and to hold my previous mental health care workers responsible for telling me in my apartment (in 2020) the very words which are typed out down below - (it happened right after one of my mental health care workers had stated to me personally that her, her boss, and her other two coworkers were all receiving phone call and email threats from Thomas Schoenberger and, as well as one other individual named Gabe (whose last name I cannot say publicly anymore) because of a court order agreement that was made in 2020 between the both of us. Thomas is also a close friend of Donald Trump, Michael A. Levine, Seth Green, and many more celebrities apart of the Hollywood scene.

These were the exact words - word to word, that, in the year 2020, were said to me by one of my mental health housing workers, with another mental health worker of mine sitting in another chair beside her, in front of me;

"We just want to let you know that we support you in your decision in committing suicide, because you speak about it too much, and because we understand the seriousness of your situation... We also want you to know that it's nothing personal. People need to make money. Our boss P** wanted us to tell you that." 

One of those workers was the one who recited that as her and the other worker were sitting down on 2 chairs in front of me, in my apartment, as I was sitting in front of them on another one of my chairs. I have remembered it every day since it was said to me. I can never forget that moment. Nor the time when I seen them both after that was said to me by them both, and I asked how she could say such a thing to me to which her response was "Well you do speak about it (suicide) too much..." and the other worker said nothing again... in response I stomped off and I left them by the Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto where we were sitting at a bench across from it at the side of the mall right by the big outside arena rink.. I then received a call from their boss P** and he told me that all of my workers were pulled from working with me, that I was no longer alowed any mental health help through their agency by anyone at all, but under the rare exception I was allowed to keep my housing because they did not want me to be homeless again, especially while I was going through all of that very serious court stuff (back then in the year 2020). 

That has completely changed my life ever since, and in a lot of more very awful ways, but also in some good ways as well, but it is unfortunate that it had to all be because of that very situation where one of my (now former) workers said that to me about suicide while my other worker was sitting right beside her while she was saying that to me and nodding her head in agreement the entire time in a mature and professional like manner. 

***Also, I had named their company's name and their personal names on my website in the recent past, and a bit after doing so, I received a letter in the mail stating that I had to remove their names and their companies name from my website as well as from my petition, and that if I did not do so, that I was at risk of losing my housing subsidy... 

So that is why I can no longer share their names nor company's anymore. Thank you though so much everyone for listening to me. It's been a lot of years holding the stress of that inside me. I have struggled and suffered a tremendous amount from all of it.

Again, thank you a very major lot to all of those whose support I have gained. My petition matters so much to me in every single moment of every single day, and I really, really mean that. So far as of Augist 2024, We now have over 1000 signatures! Thank you all SO VERY MUCH.

I would also like to add, that during 2020, after my mental health workers had recited that to me for their boss, I was going through such a very rough time... so much so that I started blacking out, going out of body, astral projecting, and even freaking out in a lot more anger and also panicking a lot. Thankfully I have had a lot of help since then, and I am able to deal with things in my life so much better than I was in those years prior.

Also, in 2020, I had yelled to one of my workers at the time who was in my apartment. Before their boss had my other 2 workers come to my apartment and say what they said to me regarding suicide. I did not yell at her but to her, and it was only my own frustrations because of what I was going through at the time with that group of online people, the 1 million dollar lawsuit, the lies, the many threats towards me, etc. I know that their boss didn't like me yelling at her. He had told me before so. Yes, at the same time that specific mental health housing worker told me that they were all receiving threats from Thomas Schoenberger and one other (whose name I cannot name because of a court order that is still in order), but it may not have been from those threats though as to why he wanted the other two mental health housing workers of mine to say that to me about suicide... it may just have been because of his own anger because I had yelled in the face of that previous worker. Still, both are not right, and I am dedicated in doing better, myself, and so much in bringing to light what their boss had the other two of his coworkers come to my apartment to say to me in the year 2020.

- Zachary McQuaid