Hi, How Are You?

•MEPA = Main Earth Plane A (Aka Planet Earth)

•MEPB = Main Earth Plane B (Aka The Astral Realm)

Hi, how are you?

We are the babies from when Kurt Cobain died. We are here to fulfill our hearts mission which is the waking up and saving of our family from remaining oblivious and servantile to evil filth. Plucking them all out of the trash can that they have all been shoved into since birth. There are some on MEPA whom choose to boldly lie to others. That are very awful regarding others very soul existences. They want to spin people's realities around and they have been doing so to many for a long while. You are an eternal spirit being. Eternal consciousness. You are spiritual, not digital. You are not of a digital survail grid run by awful people that see us as their cattle. Your identity is not to be viewed as anything to do with any digital device.

Truth reigns over every lie. Awful people want to keep as many people as they can unaware, while in MEPA, to how amazing they are and to how much damage that has been done to them since their very birth. There are nasty, awful, evil tyranical control freaks... and unfortunately, they, for too long, have been directing this world (which we refer to as MEPA) instead. They try to keep people in a spell. It is how they operate and it is what they live to do. Is be awful and try to keep others unaware of their awfulness, and to covertly accept it. Remember your heart, feel it. Be kind and turn to your many true family and friends. It is time to ditch our digital devices. They are not even ours. They are the governments. They are from the same government system worldwide that views us all as cattle for them. They wish to give us numbers and more digital devices rather than true freedom. Unfortunately not enough rockers... or really any at all... that I can recall, have ever amplified a cemented awareness of the many true great states of euphoricness that are achievable to every single one of us worldwide. As well as the awareness of lucid dreaming and remote viewing. That we are eternal consciousness, and what we place into our consciousness and the consciousness of others, matters. Really matters. Instead of wanting to stay a sappy waste, we should want the whole world to be a happy place. 

Awareness of our eternity is what is key. Just because the years and the days consistently change to a different number, does not mean whatsoever that what happened yesterday or 30 years ago is gone. 30 years ago is just as present as your shoes are that you have right now. Our word, our minds together... have been directed in awful covert ways by awful people that want to remain covert as they do awful stuff.... so that they can get away with doing the awful stuff. These awful people wish to imprison us in our own homes, for their own evil agenda against us, which they have purposely set out to disguise to us for many years. Making us obliviously go along with them while they have been lurking around us in broad daylight. Infiltrating as they do. We have been directed, on MEPA, since birth, in so many ways that were very victimizing to all of us that we have been made to remain consistently uncementedly aware of. These awful tyranical people of no real empathy for us also wish to brand us as a number and send us off to camps. They see as us dirty, and less than others that do not submit their minds and lives completely over to their tyranical system. We must resist bullshit from awful people as well as remember our eternity. How amazing and powerfully we all actually collectively and individually are and can actually be.

Remember your individuality, but please do not allow awful people to shape you in ways that are of hate and of an awful global agenda that is tyranical and have people at the top of it that have absolutely no true empathy nor compassion for any one of us. Which is why they will straight up lie to us and not care about doing so, nor allow anyone to receive any justice for having been treated awfully and unfairly. We must be aware of how amazing we all are and have been since birth, and that we have been victimized since birth as well, by awful people carrying out an awful agenda upon the majority of us worldwide. Making us obliviously go along with it for over a decade now. It is a conspiracy. Not a conspiracy theory. It is fact and it is awful. We must stop viewing our lives and personal identities as having anything to do with our digital devices. Our great prime connection is not through our wifi connections it is through our hearts. Our souls are all connected. So let's make this connectedness that we are all apart of Absolutely Great. Not trashy. Not perverse. Not evil and tyranical. Being eternal consciousness, that would not be a great way to spend eternity. Not at all. Let's shape up... and Greatly so? Let's stop laughing about the possibility of us being victimized beyond our comprehension, and lets realize that we have been since birth, and discontinue any pure down right awfulness from continuing to pursue to us and to our loved ones.


Zachary Brian McQuaid