
Hi everyone,

Please take to heart what I have to say. There are very awful people in this world, that want to come across as nice, while being mean and cruel. They disguise themselves to others that are not aware of their nefarious motives against the majority of humanity. They can be Jewish, Scottish, say that they are Christian, Catholic... anything, but it does

not matter... what they do is they infiltrate our society, political groups, etc in order to be able to manipulate from within and cause chaos and destruction. So that they themselves can get closer to accomplishing their awful agendas for our world. There were nazi's that were Jewish. And not only Jewish people were killed during WW2. Gypsies

were killed, gay people were killed, and anyone that understood what was going on was killed. It wasn't just Jewish people that were victimized. It was always the majority of humanity that were victimized all along. So much so that we have been made to not see it that way for so long. Why? Because there are just very bad people, that want to rule

over God's world and claim it as their own. They want to kill us, make us believe that they got vaccinated, and build back better in the ways that they see fit, while the majority of us finally die off. That is what is currently happening and has been for so long, which is also what Isaac Kappy wanted people to be aware of. There are bad people apart of

bad agendas and they infiltrate. They pretend to be great people as well as enemies with certain other people and against or for certain groups and organizations. They seek to purposely fill you with rage, if you know it or not, while getting you to still love them. So that you will react in ways and as well turn yourself over to accepting trashy ways and awfulness in general. They seek to control, so they use their many manipulation tactics in order to be able to do so. I am one of them that they have used and set up for disaster. So now I'm just giving it all I've got. All of this information needs a lot of attention. They want people to be mad at Jewish people, Christian's, etc. They are not for their religions or groups that they claim be of and for. They are keeping a consistent cycle going. A circle of hate. Hate that they have for the many, and they pass that hate onto others in clever sneaky ways. They want a response that is mean and that is hateful, meanwhile they say that they do not, but more times than not they themselves come across as very extremely hateful and cruel. That is what they purposely seek out in others. Confusion, pain and rage. They try to not do so too obviously, so that they can continue doing so. Just because a person may seem like a good person, and because you think thay are... does not mean that they are. You could be way off, and that is what I myself have, unfortunately, really come to figure out. I love you all still. We could have all done so much better all together.
