The Gov Digital Devices That We Temporarily Have

Hollywood has been directing our dreams. A great example of this are the lucid dreams that we all had as babies, where we were physically present with movie and tv show characters. When we had lucid and vivid dreams of being in the same scenarios that many of the characters from tv shows and movies were in. As well as whatever and whoever else we watched. We have all lived a lot more life as we sleep. Most of us spend more time asleep then awake. Or at least, a lot of us used to. Our world has now been totally bombarded with so much, that it's reach a point of total overload. It's overloaded our minds... our souls... and that has proven to be nasty and dark. Our minds and our lives have literally been directed, since birth, by good, and by evil. Most of us did not stay as appropriate as we were as children, instead we grew into accepting the rottenness that our minds have been subjected to... the many fears as well as very stuck up, ignorant, perverse, and egotistical ways in which we have been subjected to through Hollywood... We grew upon that trash instead. While awake, and while asleep. Hence nightmares and many other forms of anxiety and personal despair. Getting the majority of people worldwide to accept looking at screens consistently, mainly since around 2012 with the worldwide news of a possible zombie apocaplyse, made them easy targets of constant propaganda put out by the very same people involved in the making of their many favorite, and not so favorite, movies as well as tv shows. We have been awfully directed by trash, towards being trashy, since birth - is what I am saying. When do the best of us people worldwide that are for consistent peace, unconditional love, and empathy finally get to rule over our minds and lives instead? And collectively... ? When??? Are we just going to consistently continue to wake up each morning and night, and look at our screens that the military gave us and keep going on being controlled by them? Pens and paper work fine for a lot of what we do on here. The government and every other stranger in the world should absolutely not know anything about you as much as they now do. At least as much as you have already shown them. They shouldn't even be able to see all that you have already shown them... unless you personally invited them to (while awake and while asleep). Your photos used to be in a photo book that was usually cardboard and had skinny plastic sheets to put them under. Not metal at all. Those were yours to share with the ones you loved. Not to go outside with and show the nearest stranger that you could find. They weren't supposed to know your business and you weren't supposed to brag to them about it. They may be able to control you and mess with your life now that they know so much about you and your life. That's what they did to me. I was borderline crazy and I bragged about myself all the time. I posted Absolutely Anything about myself. I went into so much detail about myself and my life to completely total strangers. Really bad people seen how out of it I was and they chose to exploit that for their own advantages. It is time to realize how much control these devices have had over our lives and over our minds. Not just our cellphones and computers but as well of course our TV screens from when we were little, and even up to now... These chunks of metal have been trash. Given to us by trash. People whom are all apart of a very trashy agenda against the very best of us. It has been an awful transition of life and of power over life. People really need to not accept these devices as a part of their lives, and definitely not as a part of thier identity. We aren't cattle to be played with. We are not a digital bar code number. We are eternal spirit beings and we are so beautiful outside of this awful system of control that we have all been subjected to since birth. While awake, and

while asleep.
