The Great Awakening

MEPA = Main Earth Plane A (Aka Planet Earth aka World #1)

MEPB = Main Earth Plane B (The Astral Plane aka World #2)

We were supposed to remain aware, since we were babies, of MEPB (the astral plane). We go there each and every

single night that we go to sleep. Our dreams should not be messed up at all either... but, unfortunately, because MEPA, World #1 is, so is the astral plane and that is why things can sometimes go very crazy and hectic there. We have been fractured from viewing both MEPA and MEPB as 1. 1 world. 1 world, of God's, that unfortunately that has

been hijacked and directed by pure evil, and for so, so long. For over 2000 years.

This is what "The Great Awakening" that Isaac was speaking to his online audience about was all about. Waking

people up to how great they truly are. That we are all eternal spirit beings. What he was trying to do, was bring about

an awareness of this. Lucid dreaming... Jesus actually being real... and the fact that we are eternal spirit beings of

consciousness. There are others that understand this knowledge and they use it in nefarious ways that benefit

themselves, and go against others. That is also what happened to Isaac. That is also why he wanted people to become

crystal clear aware of this. As well as the fact that all of us have been victimized so much... beyond our current

comprehension... since birth, and that we must all snap out of listening to a system that is run at the very top by very

bad, evil nefarious people that are for a very bad, evil nefarious agenda against the many of us worldwide, that could

not even comprehend such awful things being done to us.

There is an awful group of people and they live all around the world. They are truly evil people and they wish to hold

this knowledge away from people so that they can continue manipulating their minds and their lives, towards

benefiting their own awful evil agenda that goes against the majority of people worldwide. A purely awful agenda that

is, as well, meant to keep many oblivious to how truly eternally amazing that they all are and could consistently be

and feel. The awful system wants people to feel awful. To be and remain dwarfed. Mentally, physically, and

spiritually. To have the majority of people worldwide remain oblivious to many of the ways in which they are truly

being victimized. They want it to go right over their heads, and it has for quite a very long time now. Your world was

never going to be back to normal in 2 weeks... Why? Because it was never really normal. A lot of what we considered

normal, before the covid era, was not. Though, unfortunately, it became accepted as so. There has always been a high

level of deceit hanging above our heads that we have unfortunately been made to remain oblivious to since childhood.

As children, many of us sensed it, though we were not able to formulate it into words back then. It is time to no longer

remain oblivious to the many ways in which you are being victimized. Everyone deserved so much better all along.

We must consistently call upon Jesus, and our Angel's, to forgive us. To protect us and to keep us calm. To carry us

through the awful storm and to protect us from it's awful downpour on us. Believe in Jesus and your Angel's as being

just as real as your best friend is. Confess to yourself and to them, with all of your heart, your sins. Be truly sorry for

them and Believe that you are saved. We must get out and remain away from the hold that dark forces have against us.

We are eternal consciousness and we must consistenly reshape our minds Greatly, in line with Jesus's Word, which

comes from God. We must also deplug from our digital devices and take a lot more time out during our days, for

ourselves and the betterment of our world, to mentally and physically process our physical surroundings as well as our

emotions more. Feel them, process them, and improve ourselves Greatly, alongside Jesus Christ. You are allowed to

use your imagination. Your imagination holds so much power and it always has and it always will, if you consistently

nurture it well. Allow your imagination to serve you and others greatly. Our minds and our hearts are where our connection truly resides. Our eternal souls. Not our digital devices or our internet and wifi modems. We are eternal spirit beings of consciousness. An eternal blob of energy that takes form but is also having a physical experience called being human. We have experiences that shape us, so let's shape ourselves greatly, because we really are eternal and it absolutely matters that wo do very well, as greatly as we can, and remain doing so. We also travel and have new experiences from any age that we have ever been that we want to be again, whenever we want to, while we are sleeping at night and dreaming. It is so important to cementedly understand that you can lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is becoming aware, while you are dreaming, that you are in a dream. Once you do that, which you easily can, you can then have any experience that you so wish to, all while physically consciously alert to so. Just as if you are already awake and out of bed and going about your day.

Before you go to sleep, set an alarm on your phone or alarm clock to wake yourself up at 4am. Once it goes off, wake up and turn it off. Then proceed to lay back down on your bed in a position that you usually do not lay down in. This is so you will not fall immediatly back to sleep and lose focus of your awareness. Close your eyes and keep your mind consistently aware that within 3 minutes tops, that you will absolutely be in the dreaming world (MEPB). Do that, keep it up for the full 3 minutes, and you will at any moment very soon immediately start to experience a spinning feeling. You will suddenly notice your body and mind going through it. All consciously. It will feel a bit freaky at first, but just ride it out. That phase will end at any moment because you will soon find yourself in another place, around others, or by yourself, and now able to have any experiences there that you would like to have. This is why, as eternal consciousness, that it is absolutely important that we do not remain absorbing awfulness into our minds and allowing it into our lives while physically awake and conscious in MEPA. That goes for movies, TV shows, YouTube videos, music, and anything else. We really are very great, and we must realize that and stop accepting any awfulness into our lives whatsoever. As well as not remain oblivious to how amazing we are and how rotten some others truly are against the majority of humanity. We must pray for ourselves and for everyone, and truly carry on Greatly. Forever. Have a Great eternity. Make it Great. We do that by being our best selves in the Forever Now, consistently. 😊

We travel while lucid in MEPB and any break way land where we want to go and be apart of. Our souls also travel consciously while temporarily awake in MEPA and day dreaming. We have been doing this consistently, since we were born. It is time to become re aware of how amazing you actually are, if you have unfortunately forgotten. We were all placed into kindergarten and told that our imaginary friends weren't real. Even though we were lucid with them at night when we went to bed and knew that they were. Most kids ended up going with the programming fed out to us from the awful MEPA system. And from there we also unfortunately viewed our internet connections as our amazing connection with one another. It is not though. Our amazing connection is our live time eternal soul connection and it always has been and it always will be. 
