We Are Amazing

•MEPA= Main Earth Plane A. The phyiscal plane that we are currently physically and mentally conscious on (for the

most part)

•We also exist and forever have, in MEPB, which is the astral plane. As well as our breakaway lands outside of MEPB.

The MEPA government dictatorship system wanted/consistenly wants us to all be in very fast go go go states. Emotionally and physically, and to perceive our only great connection to it's awful system of control. Our cell phones and computers were their physical methods of being able to get right inside of our homes. Our lives. Our minds, and affect our souls negatively. We have to slow down. Step away from our electronics and realize that we, without a wifi connection, are still connected but so greatly and amazingly so. Stop submitting your existence over and supporting a system that is a digital control and survale grid. You and me exist outside of that awful control system and we always have. We should be living freely and greatly here, in MEPA and in all other physical planes, all collectively together, understanding and remaining consistenly aware of all of this basic and amazing simple knowledge.

Our realistic like dreams that we had when we were a child... the ones that we woke up screaming from for our mom or dad to come into our rooms and save us from... they were real. And they still are. Why? Because you are

consciousness and You are real. We were told that they were only dreams and to not be scared. I remember having many lucid dreams as a child and screaming for my mom to come into my room and care for me. I had one's with Uma Thurman as Poisin Ivy from the 1997 Batman and Robin movie, Catwoman from the 80's Batman movie, and

Frankenbeans from the Big Bad Beetleborgs TV show. As well as other experiences, that to me were horrifying back then, with Slappy from the TV show Goosebumps. I always thought that there was another episode of many episodes that had aired that I seen when I was a baby. It turns out that there wasn't. Maybe some cut scenes, yes, but my other recollection of apparent episodes were not and filmed TV episode... they were my lucid experiences. We have all had them and we still can and do. I remember my mom coming into my room after me having screamed my lungs off until she did, and she would find me my Batman flashlight and tell me that they were only dreams and that they were not real and that I didn't have to keep screaming for her to come back into my bedroom. I remember pleading with her and

telling her that, no, they are real, and as soon as you leave my bedroom, they are going to come right back. Still she did not believe me. That was very unnerving and sad to me. I did my best to ignore them. Even when I seen them walking around in my room again after my mom or step dad had left my room. I began to choose to disbelieve in them

and then I was soon plopped on into kindergarten and from there on I had my consciousness, my mind, directed to

adapt to the so called real ways of life, set out by the awful MEPA system of control that already existed before I got here. Kindergarten was alright, but the path on forward turned out to be the beginning of a downward spiral for many of our souls. I ended up focusing on school and less on mine and everyone else's amazing connectedness to all of the souls in MEPB (the astral plane) and from becoming more aware and realizing that we have breakaway lands too that are just as physical as MEBP, where the souls that we love and vibe with and want to be with are there for us. We are

of creation. Of God. Not of a wifi connection and not of any digital device. Neither are we of the awful MEPA digital survalence dictatorship system that consistently tries to push it's influence and will into our lives and on our minds. Our souls. 

We must realize on a cemented level that we are of eternal creation, God, and then keep choosing to create greatly with our minds and in our lives together with everyone in our communities. Because now, we are not just detuning from MEPB and everywhere else that is great, we have been consciously during to MEPA as well. And that has been done to us thanks to our digital devices, their connection to the internet, and our consistent use and reliance on them, rather than of one another locally and how we are connected globally via each others souls. We are eternal spirit beings of eternal creation God. And we always have been, right straight up and into this very moment right now. Let's make the one eternal moment Awesome, reconnect to all of our greatest states of conscious and start living in our towns feeling so much connection to the people that are physically around us, and as well, of course, choosing wisely here in MEPA, and in MEPB and your break away lands, with your amazingly powerful imagination - which source is of God - which is the love of our family and friends and that you have for yourself. You are eternal creation. Not destruction. Unfortunately MEPA is being directed by awful tyrants though, which has always happened in MEPA throughout history. We must have that stop repeating and we must say no to it and consistenly choose peace, God and clarity over tyranny. And always so. God bless you all. Our great magical soul connection wins greatly and it is Always. We have all just been made to remain oblivious for too long of a while. God bless you all in remembering who you all really are and how amazing and eternally capable we all Amazingly really are, and have been all along. Congratulations on becoming re cementedly aware of so. Althrough every year of our life, we have been connected in such amazing, magical, and blissful ways. We have always been, still are and always will be, all of the our years of age that we have ever been when we felt our best. In MEPB and here consciously in MEPA (as well as in our own breakaway lands and other places from there that we want). Your imagination is your power. With everyone that we love. Just become conscious of so while lucid dreaming. Wake yourself up purpsosely at 4am. Then lay back down in a way in which you usually don't that does not feel too comfortable (so that your mind does not just easily drift back into a state of unconscious sleep right away), but that you can also mildly tolerate. Keep your brain aware that within 3 minutes tops that you are absolute going to be in a dreaming state (MEPB - the astral plane, or one of your own personal lands where you want to go to that you imagine while consciously in MEPA). Go through the spinning as you keep your mind alert that you will be in a dream state within 3 minutes tops. After your mind - your being - goes through the spinning, you will find yourself in another plane just as physical as the MEPA one, where your physical MEPA body is still physically resting in. You are Magical. You are Amazing and you Really Always have been and Always will be. We do not need to be afraid of death (our transfer of awareness out of MEPA and into MEPB as well as to our break away lands - Heaven, Nirvana - which are just as real and as present as our MEPA moments are. We are free. We always have been, and we were always consistently supposed to have remained aware of so. Another way to extend your own consciousness. Your senses. Your eternal being. Is by closing your eyes in a room that you are in and now imagining yourself in your MEPB body, standing behind you, and visualize what the room that you are in looks like from that angle. How it feels to be standing further behind yourself and what your MEPA body looks like from your MEPB body perceiving yourself as standing further behind your MEPA body. How does the air feel? What do you smell and how does the room feel from where your MEPB body is currently standing and smelling it from? You can extend your soul to go as far as you wish to, anywhere that you want to go. Just close your eyes and really take the time amd effort to consciously do so, how you would normally with your MEPA body and it's senses - which is also, for now, an extension of your MEPA body. Our MEPA bodies do not last forever. Our souls most certainly do. Use your imagination greatly to protect yourself and to create and exist greatly and peacefully. Blissfully. Let's all individually do that, and as well, collectively live and exist in peace and in great states of bliss with and around one another's eternal souls and by ourselves as well, with the beings of creation - God - that we ourselves willed into creation via our our own creative imaginations, that are an extension of Gods amazing power, and have been around and accessible to us since we were a baby and in each and every other year that we have consistenly made ourselves/had ourselves become oblivious to it all, right straight up into this very current moment in 2022.

It was all just a matter of becoming/being aware and consistenly remaining aware of it and now using our minds, our consciousness (our eternal souls) Greatly in ways which help us to create greatly, heal and keep consistenly moving on forward greatly in this plane and on each and every every other one (MEPB and our breakaway places, via our own imaginations and conscious dreaming - what we are eternally doing is creating and being. And now, being of our own picked out, best pin pointed states of consciousness - of feeling, perceiving, and being - and consistenly eternally so).

Also very important;

Whenever in a lucid dreaming experience, and while being in MEPB or anywhere else, if you ever find yourself somewhere that you do not want to be - Do not panic. Simply slow down and remember the amazing power of your

soul connection that you have with yourself and with your family and friends. Close your eyes and say aloud a place where you want to be 3 times. Believe that when you re open your eyes that the place will appear as a door on a wall behind you that you can quickly enter and go back to, after you have stepped through it, know that once you close the door that it disappears on the other side from where you did not want to be. It there is no flat land and you are floating, simple close your eyes and imagine the place where you want to be and say it 3 times aloud, believing that once you say it the 3rd time that you are offically cemented back to those main areas of your own choosing where your soul likes to greatly exist. You are that powerful and amazing. You have been free all along, just been kept distracted with others things for so long and therefore, unfortunately, oblivious for so long. That has been done to us

for over a decade now, as well as to others, going on for centuries. 

I am not just my MEPA (Main Earth Plane A) body, and neither are you. This is just one of the bodies of mine that I inhabit. I am now re consciously intune like I was in 2002 during the power outage. Me, you, and everyone, exists right now in MEPB as well... watching ourselves and doing whatever else Awesomely. All we all had to become

aware of was our natural ability to be able to lucid dream. And understand and become aware consciousnesly of how powerful and real that our day dreaming (imagination) is. Everyone in our neighborhoods should have been let in on the knowledge that they can become physical in their dreams and have any great experience that they want to. That

they are free souls already and always have been. The connection between souls which is joyful and present is the greatest connection of all. Our lives are not supposed to be viewed at on screens. Photo books are good. Having our photos in physical photo albums gave us the experience of getting to sit down with others and show them our photographs while as well laughing and consistently feeling a connection beside them. 

When movie rental stores started closing because everything started going digital, and flip phones were the new thing, we kind of just accepted a transition that was not like how we were always living our lives/existing together before, collectively. It wasn't based on a wifi connection, it was soul connection. Our prime connection still is that of our souls, but overtime we just kept going to our devices to stay/feel connected instead. Our sense of connectedness made it's way onto that of a screen owned by our governments. Our screen lives turned out to be a giant propaganda machine. That's been a shitty feel of connectedness. It has stumpted our natural interaction and changed it in incredibly shocking awful sad ways. No longer is everyone waiting patiently for their VHS tape to rewind. Everything we want is now accessible within a click. And so from then on we have remained consistently focused on this fast paced technological way of accepting how we are connected and how we should remain going on with our lives. Let's go back to 2007 and slow down. Flip phones are cool because they can allow us to text friends quickly and call them, but let's not accept this social media stuff that comes with it next. Let's wake up every neighborhood to something way more cooler and greater than technology. Let's wake them up to their eternity. Their eternal Amazingness. Let's share the knowledge of lucid dreaming with everyone in a way that makes it cementedly understandable and easy for anyone and everyone to achieve. We have been able to do that. With the awareness of you being an eternal spirit being, comes the many very sad realizations, understandings and awarenesses that humanity has been victimized much beyond many people's comprehension. That our governments have consistently kept us distracted by directing our lives, while keeping us oblivious and ignorant to simple basic truths about our existence and who we are. We are not souls to be directed and

influenced by screens that are given to us by our governments. We are consciousness and we are of God, not a wifi connection or any digital device. We are not digital, we are spiritual. There exists a connection between us all that is much greater and way more amazing and worthy of being of our consistent focus... rather than our digital devices that have become our consistent main focus. People wonder and doubt that they could be so amazing, and that is very sad. This is because humanity has been held back for centuries, and for us over a decade now, from just being able to simply understand and be aware, consistenly, of their actual most real amazing connection. Soul connection. You can take all digital devices out of your home and your wifi connection and you are still magnificantly connected to the entire planet and to all souls that you love and attract of your own individual likeheartedness. Our objects have

become our consistent focus of connection. Put your objects down... sit down... and reconnect. Many souls are very out of touch physically because they hold their phones so much, and the entire time that they are holding their phones, they are not even consciously processing the fact that they are holding a solid object in their hands. They are too immersed in what is on their screens, that their minds are bypassing their sense of physical feel. Put the phone down and feel your surroundings while taking time to mentally process that your mind and body is doing so. Don't base your life connection to others as being in the screens in which are all around you and everyone else. They are not our ultimate incredible form of connectedness. They are digital machines given out to us by our governments, which is full of tyranical war criminals. Not a good way for us to accept feeling connected with one another. I remember in 2007 my family and my friends accepted the digital transition of our life focus via social media because it turned out that our distant family, the ones where we always wondered where they were, were on the computer profiles sites. And so we wanted to speak to them and connect, and from then on we just went on consistenly accepting our connection as being mainly on screens. Which had made so much interaction a lot more impersonal and has made people come to exist in ways which are go go go and as quick as a click. No longer are many people normally processing their emotions long enough, or patience, and they are dulling their sense of physical, emotional and most amazing spiritual feel of connectedness from within their souls together. People have been so overly bombarded with government devices and the propaganda that it shows people and it has been a very bad influence on our mind, body souls. If we could just put down our digital screen devices (and a lot more than not) and begin to connect to who and what else is all around us instead, and to what we want to imagine and consciously experience and manifest and exist like, then we are doing a lot of good for ourselves and we allow that feeling of our prime connectedness to come right straight back to us. And it does :) Just keep consistenly doing the opposite of what you have been doing mainly, for so many moments consistently, since the moment that many of us just blindly accepted the digital transition of our livelihoods and sense of connection. 

Take moments out of your day to feel the objects around you. You can do so in a

way that will keep you doing so for a while by cleaning objects or by re arranging your physical space. Put on some music as well and feel the emotions that go along with the voice and the instruments, or don't and just keep in tune with what you are doing physically. Try to keep your mind focused as much as you can on your physical space and

your own creative mind. Imagine great moments with all of the great souls that you have ever met or would like to meet. We are all eternal souls connected in live time. Close your eyes and take time to feel out experiences with these people. Allow your imagination to manifest what and who you want to around you. Imagine a person, whoever you want to, speaking to you and start communicating back with them in your mind and moving about in your phyiscal

space as if they are around you. It is okay to feel ridiculous. We are soul beings and this is our true form of connectedness. And it is eternal. It always has been. Your entire life from when you were first born up to this moment right now still exists. It is the very same one eternal moment. All you have to do is consciously reconnect to any moment that you have had, that you want to, and bring it right back into this very current moment. And if you do that more so than not, then you will truly understand that you and everyone else around you truly are more maginificant

than a digital wifi connection. We manifest with our souls. We can become lucid while our MEPA bodies rest in MEPA and physically have the experiences that our souls have imagined up. Just remember that this is all real. Because you, as eternal consciousness, are real. You always have been real since you were born and you always will be. You are not anything synthetic. And you really are not alone. But on mepa (Main Earth Plane A), many people's minds have been directed towards screens, and in many other ways that keep them consistently remaining oblivious. It is and has been to such an extreme extent, incredibly sad and degrading for and on all of us. We truly are magical and amazing but we have been consistently directed and made to have our minds become consistently immersed in and

consistently fascinated with wifi and our digital devices instead. That has been done to people by the worldwide MEPA government dictatorship system that has been around for centuries. After WW2, the awful MEPA system of control went, for the most part, covert. Sneaked it's way into directing our lives. Wishing for us to not feel Amazingly and Magically connected and all of the great emotions such as love, happiness, physical connectedness, euphoricness and complete joy.

Rather it has been consistently, since we started continuously accepting a digital transition of our lives (rather than our amazingly magical human soul prime felt connection) been directing our daily life focus and society in ways which are meant to consistently keep us oblivious, and make us suffer together collectively. The awful

MEPA system keeps consistenly influencing people's minds and focus in ways that keep them speaking against one another, and, at very same time purposely consistently keeping them in a cycle of confusion as to why they are consistenly suffering and fighting against one another. That is a system of divide and conquer. It is not a system of

great souls living and existing together greatly. It is very sad, but do not stress it too much, because we are all already free and we always have been and are, and we will all eventually be well aware of all of this together. Most just ain't consciously aware of it, yet, or at all, while they are here physically in MEPA. Most people remain obvious to their

physicality in both and all physical eternal planes. Their minds are consistenly busily directed towards their screens. Their sense of feel is becoming dull and they need to take a lot of time out for themselves while staying away from their digital devices to feel what is around them and really reprocess all of the physical stuff around them as well. By doing that, their minds will start to become normally paced again, and their physical, great emotional spiritual connection with themselves, their surroundings, and the ones that they love, will re emerge from within them and around them and they will feel it physically and emotionally. 

You will consciously realize that you and the ones that you love are eternally amazing and have been since all of the years that they and you have been here, in MEPA, and in the astral plane (MEPB) and on any other plane that your soul exists in, which should always be another great physical plane. You can create alternate physical planes yourself for your soul to be able to travel to to be able to live out moments of your eternal life experience from there as well. You can, with your own imagination, which is a huge part of your soul power, imagine your entire own island and make it look as you wish and invite who you wish. Be consistent in taking the time out to not look or think about the screen. Even wipe out from your mind that a screen has anything to do with your life whatsoever, other than a TV set that you can occasionally watch some movies and television shows on. You can also use your imagination and connect with people that you see on your TV in movies and tv shows. You can imagine yourself sitting down with your favorite tv show family and have coffee with them and laugh about life and have them say encouraging things to you. Just use your soul connection. We are all real souls in live time and that is eternally true, which includes everyone and anyone that you have seen on a screen that is an eternal human soul. 

Back to 2002 ... the power outage. Our sense of connectedness was magic and very sentimental and meaningful and we all really realized that together collectively. We truly are amazing and eternal and magically connected and that is much more amazing and greater than a wifi signal (wifi is a digital signal, not a human signal). Our true natural way of connectedness is not from our screens or wifi connections. That was only a method of being able to meet faster, and find out information faster, but in a way which was and is controlled by government tyrants

that have been nasty towards peoples minds and been holding them back consistently from being able to achieve that grand prime sense of physical, emotional connected sense of peaceful consciousness. Our true amazing magical connectedness. We are souls that eternally exist in live time. Our soul connection is just as fast as our wifi connection. Though it is much Greater and it is free of cost and it is how and where we are free. Our MEPA bodes here are just one version of our souls in which we are inhabiting physical bodies. We exist in MEPB (the astral world) at all times, eternally, with all of the great souls that we love and resonate and feel a sense of connectedness with. We are beings of love, grace and joy. Not beings of dullness and conformity to consistent tyranny (which wants us to keep remaining fearful, victimized and oblivious). We need to reconnect with our sense of soul connectedness. Our smell, our physical and emotional feels... and guide our own minds individually and together peacefully and greatly so as we did during the 2002 power outage and on 9/11 when all of us good souls felt a connection of togetherness and that we all had each others backs, all good people all over the world. That was a conscious connection which was outside of the digital wifi connection. 

We truly are connected amazingly and you can be re conscious of that in fantastic ways, and you should not accept terrorist ways to intercede by consistently making us remain obvious, confused, and hateful as to who we all are outside of this awful MEPA worldwide dictatorship system that is now forcing its will upon us and making us openly discriminate and be hateful towards one another. Allow yourself to bring back into this moment right now your soul connection. Do so greatly and fix up and out of your mind all that you no longer wish to keep consistently accepting. Consistently visualize great moments. Moments of healing and of togetherness. Moments of joy with others great souls whom you love and vibe with. Have faith that we are all in this together in live time, outside of our government devices and the tyranical system that has come along and continues to come along with the devices that we all have. Because we really always have been connected in a more very personal sentimental way and we really always are.

Disposable cameras would be great to incorporate in our lives again a lot as well. After the camera was done being able to snap any more photos, we would walk or drive to the camera store and get the photos developed. During the ride or walk there we had feelings in us of excitement about how our photos may have turned out. Which ones would likely look great and which ones will likely look funny. We used our imaginations and thought about it before going to the store and while going to the store. We attached our emotions onto the experience in a way which led us drag on our senses of feeling excited and joyful thoughout our days together. Simple things like that, that took up our time and mind, rather than the computer and cellphone connection. 

Also, since 2012, people worldwide really became immersed in taking in news from the internet. This is really true and well known to a lot of people worldwide, based on the fact that everyone around the world was taking in the shocking news online that there could be a zombie apocaplyse. Since then, up to now in 2022, many have remained entranced and focused on consistent misinformation and disinformation - which all ties into the rotten MEPA worldwide dictatorship system full of terrorists. War criminals that are not of our great SOUL connection. They are of hate and of violence and they like to confuse in order to successfully divide to conquer. The many that they make servants for them they rely on being obvious. Oblivious to their connection to God. To the magical, most amazing, loving and sentimental connection that all of us good souls worldwide all have in live time together and always do have together in live time.

It's still there, our eternal amazingness, but it has been made to become an oblivious part of our lives. Which is exactly what I noticed and felt after I had my NDE. I felt so much love and connectedness, but I came back to MEPA and MEPA's low states of frequency was brought back to me and I felt pushed back into the low states, but also states of

sincere love and appreciation for others, by now being consciously aware that so many people around me were consistenly caught up in very oblivious and ignorant states of being and have been victimized so much beyond their own comprehension, and that so many were as well, unfortunately, unaware, and unable to comprehend how actually amazing that they are as well and can be. The fact that they themselves are eternal. It was and still is so incredibly sad regarding how oblivious so many souls worldwide consistenly remain. We must not remain in consistent states of obliviousness and despair. Of hate, ignorance, arrogance, and dividedness. We must all start feeling sincere joy and love together. 

That great eternal connectedness that stems from God and not as a digital device that stems from a wifi connection. Not very many true personal heart felt and physical sensation of others presence being truly felt, appreciated and connected with. It is too fast paced and we barely even process anything too consciously, before or afterwards. It also narrows our perception towards how we are all truly connected and always have been. Our MEPB bodies are present with us now and are just as physical as our MEPA bodies are. Our MEPA bodies are just physical for a certain amount of moments in the MEPA plane. Up until whichever age that we reach. When we become lucid while our MEPA bodies rest, we can become physical in our MEPB bodies as well as float around and take form as any object and we can enter into other people's consciousness. We have to be aware of this and not allow negativity to enter into our lives and influence us while we are awake and physically present in MEPA and aware of MEPB. Envision your MEPB body telling every other soul being in your place and around you that is of what you don't want, to get out of your conscious space and place. You can imagine your loved ones, and your beings of God, ordering them to leave your place and to leave you alone wherever you go. 

Most people take for granted their imagination and the severity of its realness, just as they took for granted accepting

the digital transition back in the late 2000s when VHS tapes started to no longer be made anymore. DVD's came out and then movie rental stores closed down because everything was becoming digital and moving towards going on the internet instead. Then suddenly... we as well became on the internet. We have had our minds set to focus on a connection that is mechanic, rather than on our natural eternal connection which is physical and spiritual and one in the same. We are not digital, we are not animation, we are not a connection that is digital. We are of human form, naturally beautiful and great magnificant eternal spirit beings of God consciousness. Not rottenness. Not syntheticness. Not of screens. Not of evil. Not of destruction, confusion and war. We are of peace and clarity. Bliss. We are of joy and we are of our own physical sensations and physical emotional vibes while being with ourselves and around the others that we love. 

Hey... does anybody think that Kurt Cobain was onto something super magically amazing for the future of humanity when he wanted to work on music, etc. with Michael Stripe of the band R.E.M. right before he got murdered? There are geniuses everywhere among us. Not everyone has consciously accepted the digital transition of our eternal lives.

Many have kept the feelings of soul connnectedness apart of their consistent lives. Though many have fallen for the

degradment of their souls and of their society and they continue to consistenly go about in ways that ultimately did not and still do not serve them, nor the ones that they love, or the MEPA that they are currently, unfortunately, only semi physically and emotionally consciously present in and aware of. To their screens of lame government control and propaganda they go. It would be great if we could all slow down and take time out to consciously feel the presence of one another and of who we vibe greatly with, in a way which is physically and emotionally present. As well as be aware of everyone's own eternity that they themselves have had since childhood as well. We, that are of God consciousness, are all Amazing and special. We are not just our physical MEPA bodies and we are not meant to exist to serve out agendas that go against our human soul connection being felt and experienced nice and greatly on a consistent basis. The oblivious and very lost beings remain obliviously attached in ways of existing that are perverse, rude, violent, arrogant, ignorant, stubborn, and vile. They see no consequences for any way that they are nor do they care. They care about their MEPA lives and remain consistently unaware of the bigger and greater prime picture that they are, and could be, a nice great part of. Feeling emotions for someone consciously and then quickly moving your head and mind and leaving that thought feeling to travel as you suddenly focus on something else, allows for easy transmittable and fast connection to one another souls in live time. It leaves the vibration of your soul to theirs ringing at that vibration consciously. Think something and feel it as you say it to them in your mind and believe that they heard you, and then immediately before allowing them to respond to you in your mind, divert your focus from them onto something or someone else. That snaps the connection together immediately.

We are all of God consciousness and connectedness through God. Our souls are all a creation from God, and we started forming our lives individually, as well as collectively together, since we were all babies. We live in a time now where many are so overly attached to their physical belongings and they view their physical belongings and MEPA career status as who they are entirely. They are so consciously oblivious to who they truly fully eternally are and they are consistently caught up in ways of remaining incredibly out of touch with their soul and from being an all around good soul.