
No one really cares about what they should care about. They have distractions and ego to pay their honors toward. 

They say commit suicide, and to do gross, perverse, and other awful things. To go along with an awful agenda and remain oblivious to the fact that we have been extremely victimized since birth. They do not want to change their rotten ways. They want to build upon their rotten ways. They are all in very bad places because their consciousness, their spirit, is in very bad awful places that they choose to keep themselves in. They do not see themselves as truly amazing. They do not believe that there is anymore more to life outside of the awful system that they are consistently paying attention to. They have given up the best of themselves for that awful system and they have accepted rotten shallow ways of being instead. They like their rotten shallow ways of being. They are that awful. They accept a ton of awfulness to consistently absorb their consciousness and they love it. They do not see anything wrong with being awful to others or to themselves even. They have been groomed into adoring awful ways of being by the awful system and they only want to accept those awful ways and like those awful ways and have those awful ways, as well as good ways, by their all around normal. Making a disgrace out of their daily lives completely. Because they have abused good ways and replaced them with awful ways while still holding onto some good ways... making everything just look all around awful.