Tired Of It

Everything until like to 2011... went to shit.
I want to live back in 1993 to 2011 with everyone great and awesome around me as well as with my alien protectors with their personalities that I actually get along with.

I don't like the awful ways in which MEPA has been directed. I don't want bad people or liars around me at all. I want to be happy again, and more so than not. I don't want to be stressed out and feel a pulling hurt on my heart everytime that I see one of my favorite influencial people still remaining ignorant as well as oblivious to so much awfulness going on, and how it is happening, and being shocking and unkind themselves during a time in history where peace is most needed. It is awful to wake up to this every day. There are very serious issues to be address, and these influential people that reach millions of people worldwide could absolutely use their influence in such a fantastic way... instead of a rotten, dirty, perverse, dumb, ignorant and shocking way.

I am tired of it. I know that a lot of other people are as well. I want it to feel like happy jolly 2007 again for me. MEPA was a disaster for centuries. The government system, which is a worldwide system, convinced people in 1 day that their world was always normal and would go back to being normal again in 2 weeks. And people bought it. How pathetic. Most people do not believe that there is anymore more to life and to themselves, outside of the awful system that they are consistently paying attention to. Meanwhile... plenty of people worldwide now also know, are reaware, of their ability to be able to lucid dream. We now understand so much more about who we are and the fact that we must be consistently careful about what we personally as well as collectively allow into our consciousness... our ways of being... How we all shape our lives Together.  We are eternal... How is this not mainstream news? As well... military officials have told us on the news in recent years that UFO's exist and that they could be extraterrestrial... yet people do not care about that like they cared so much about the moon landing in the 60s, when they even wondered in awe about these possible scenarios. Most people are totally apathetic in general now, yet, amazingly, at the same time, they are consistently gulfing down more and more info and allowing themselves to be fooled and directed awfully by awful people with truly awful intentions. Awful people that are truly using the internet in awful ways against the majority of us people, famous and not famous.