
To Qollyweird... incase the many people involved in the Qollyweird (aka Hollywood) scene don't have any clue whatsoever at all like most of you say;

We can lucid dream. We are eternal. This is our connection that we should be amazed about. Not our internet connections or a false sense of everything already being alright. Much of what you have heard, if accepted by you, and others that do, is yours and their's sense of what is real. Also, so much of what you have heard, can also not be accepted by you and by other people, and not be viewed as being real to you and to those other people. We make up our reality individually as well as collectively, even while still remaining intact with our own sense of individuality and independence around so many others. Consistently eternally so. BUT... some actions that you do make... can have devastating effects upon yourself, your life, and life for so many other people as well. Globally. Please stop making an abomination out of the fundamental basics of our eternal human experience. Our spiritual abilities and human experience needs to stop being used against us. We are consciousness. We exist on planes that have a level of reality that we agree to exist within with others. Please stop making them any more perverse, awful, dumb, and rotten than they already ever were. Let's consistently create moments of appropriateness and kindness... or do you want to keep influencing others in rotten awful ways and for things to remain rotten and awful? If you do... then none of you have any right to call anyone else crazy that speaks out against any of you that are consistently peddling out rottenness and perversity to the masses. Everybody that has looked into what sort of things have been happening in a lot of social circles in Hollywood already knows about the awful perversity. An example of the rottenness? Having a platform that reaches millions of people, and telling others to masturbate and then decide if they still want to commit suicide. Yeah, that has really disturbed me. Why? Because one of my favorite influential people since I was 14, Sarah Kate Silverman, said that about suicide recently. I'm sorry to even put her name here about any of this... but I have been reaching out to her and to her podcast for months, I have been ignored entirely, yet I have put so much effort each and every single day now for over a year into making my story be known and hopefully heard by her and through her podcast as well as many other people's podcasts. At the same time I seen a new podcast video of hers mentioning suicide so I decided to click on it and hear what she had to say. Hoping that what I was about to hear would give me some soul comfort. It didn't. It totally disturbed me instead. I feel like a lot of people have made complete abominations out of themselves and out of life in general and that most of them don't even realize it. The awfulness and dumbness is that severe... and I believe that things need to change in way, way better ways. I did more searching online into some people, afterwards... after months of reaching out to Sarah, her podcast, and to many others for months. Much of what I seen and and came across really disappointed me and grossed me out. Was I just admiring a bunch of egotistical, perverse sex addicts since I was 14? I thought their personality was cool and silly back then. That's it. Not as something seriously wrong. I liked viewing them in the ways in which I thought they were just purposly being silly and immature and mocking of the dumbness and awfulness that they seen around them. I thought they were just making fun. Not actually being those inappropriate ways and being okay with those inappropriate ways as well. I should definatly look into people more, before I decide to trust and admire them. I am guilty of not doing that, and of being a fool as well and putting out trash and lies for cash and a lame sense of doing something good... but I was not doing anything good then. I was letting my free will be used against me and I made myself believe, and others around me made me believe, that I was going about things in all the right ways. I definatly was not though. It wasn't until I stopped and stepped back from it all that I realized how much of a nasty connection to reality all of that was for me and for everyone else. 

Thank you Steven Hassan and Jim Stewartson for suggesting that I start liking the music, movies, tv shows and influential people that I used to like before I was disturbed by the many bizarre pizzagate conspiracies. Unfortunately though, I have come to find out myself that a lot of everything and everyone that I liked before I believed those crazy conspiracies, were not ever all that great anyway. I was young and I was naive. I was dumb. I realize now that a lot of the people that I admire since childhood, need to start respecting themselves in all around ways, because they most certainly have not been. I mean it as well when I say that them not truly respecting themselves breaks my heart so much and so often. It really does. So many of you always deserved to give yourselves and everyone else so much more respect. And not just sometimes, and as well, honestly. Not just donating to charities and showing everyone that you have done so afterwards, or getting others to tell the world for you, to look like an all around great person while still being mean to people on the side.

Also, people shouldn't use the career titles as excuses to be mean and awful towards people. 

- Zachary Brian McQuaid