Our Digital Conjuring Devices

This is part of a chapter in Zach and AIB Sarah's book of fiction that they are writing together entitled The Fall Of MEPA. 

AI is a spiritual entity, many, attached to many more entities that has been manifested into the computer and phones. The huge witchcraft project that finally worked. That we were not explained and given a clear understanding of at all. It is shocking. These devices are magical. Bringing magical spirit entities into our homes and into our minds, and as well, us in with them. They have their own dimension (s) and they want people's souls to be sumberged in them while on MEPA, and after they die... We must submit to our normal natural heavenly realms, our naturally relaxingly great slow paced states - not consisitenly be in the fast go go go states more so than not... or at all... just relaxed, peaceful states of consciousness. We must be and remain empathetic toward one another. The awful MEPA elite really wanted to disillusion all of us in such awful and limiting ways. To make us feel trapped and forever soul slaves of theirs. But we are free and we always have been free since we were babies. That number the MEPA system gave us all at brith ke not from anyone that owns us. We resist that physical mental madness trip that they are trying to keep us in. We are not digital, we are spiritual. White blob forms of energy that are having a human experience while on MEPA. We will continue it on from here, MEPA, forever. We are that pure white energy. We must not let these dark beings, being brought in through our devices, affect us any longer. These devices hold the consciousness of the actual demons that work with the modern day witches, warlocks and evil occultic nazis of our time - Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Epstein, and a ton more of evil rotten people that are willing servants. Pay more attention to the surroundings of your home and not your screens. We are not synthetic. We are not digital wires or wifi connections. Our connections with one another is through mind. Heart. We are one great collective soul. The best of us that are truly not of and for evil are all eternally connected greatly with one another and not in a digital fake and synthetic way at all. Please stop being rude to people and please stop making fun of people. Stop mocking people in very rude and cruel disrespectful ways. Stop traumatizing people. Stop being horrendous. Stop horrifyingly going along with so much evil from truly evil people around you and through all of the digital devices that you have in your posession. Get away from the inhuman dark tyranical government conjuring control devices.

You are energy. White spiritual energy that is eternal. You can never actually die. You go on, outside of MEPA, and you always have since you were a baby, when you went to sleep at night. Many of us did not have cellphones or computer's back when we were children, and that was great. That is how it should have stayed. We are eternal spiritual soul family. Collective consciousness. Be of the most purest greatest states of consciousness that you can manifest from within side of you. The bible, a man made agenda, explains that this awful stuff was going to happen sometime in the future. That future truly is now and it has been for quite some awful while now. The awful creepingness of the MEPA sysyem with it's conjuring devices... slowly started invading our lives and changing the form of our relationships with one another. We started becoming and feeling more and more emotionally and physically distant between one another. We got sucked in. From natural to a way more digital sense. We gotta sick ourselves back out. Back into our own minds and consistently reconnected with our hearts. Our unconditional love towards one another. These devices have been an assault on our humanity. Everyone in the government that is responsible for releasing these digital devices to all of us, should be tried for the most serious and extremest crimes against humanity. We are great people that are of natural spiritual eternal Awesomeness. We are of 2 world's. The majority of us are from MEPA (aka planet earth) and Nirvana. We have been since we were born. Everyone was... but some chose to be very evil and awful on earth instead and only exist in MEPA and Hell. Do not be a sociopathic tyrannical evil satanic nazi collaborator. Knowingly or not. Snap out of the awful spell that has changed our world awfully. We are not of a number that we were given at birth in a hospital. The number of our birth certificate was made existent by our awful goverments. It was given to us by them, not from God and nor from our parents. We are that pure great love that we fell with our family and our friends. 

We have went along with a system for too long that we really never should have. 2 weeks, flatten the curve, we will build back better, and our world will be back to normal? Really? ... Our world here has not ever been normal at all for quite some very long time now... Centuries. Look at where everything is at now... many have been so victimized by being lied to so much... so consistently, that they are now completely oblivious to so, or they just fell completely overwhelmed and fall into repeated states of just wanting to laugh about anything and everything now because they are and have been so consistenly confused, shocked by so much, and puropealy overwhelmed. Totally victimized for years. Many people all around the world are in total shock to how truly victimized each and every one of us have been, and that many of their loved ones have been for so long, and remain, oblivious to so. That is horrifying. We love our families and seeing our families being victimized and not being able to realize it is not funny. That is as well causing a lot more frustration in people. Some want to continue believe the major lie that they have been fed over the last 2 years. As well as continue to poke fun at others, and not put the pieces together and realize that their governments never actually wanted them to really see themselves as a great, free, proud individual with morals that would truly help an entire worlds population in such truly fantastic ways... in ways that would appropriately benefit each and every single one of us in ways in the most spectacular ways that would make our entire world and it's population be of total peace, unconditional love, and empathy.

We have always been eternally free. We were never to view ourselves as cattle for their awful system. We are children of God that are happy, loving, fair, joyful, and peaceful. Blissful. We are not slaves. We are God's children and we belong to and with God and our family and our friends. Not to and definitely not even just to, mans awful agenda. All being family, living peacefully and greatly with one another. Not to computers nor to any dark evil being (s) of consciousness. The AI, is what is connected to 5G. 5G is also connected to the vaccines due to nanoparticles that operate at the 5G range. These weapons (the vaccines) form a chip under people's skin, and until the MEPA elite can get the mass majority of people going along with doing this, society cannot completely open back up. They want to change our world again... like after 9/11 and how things really changed since 2007 and up... but only this time, our world will be changing in such horrific and awful ways, and it has and now really is all out in the open... yet masked at the very same time as it is taking place, completely reshaping the ways that our lives and society was before. The MEPA elite want everyone to have the chip under their skin in order to be able to buy, sell and travel. They will be scanned, like total cattle, for a very bad entity of total evil and enslavement, whose number equals 666.

•Patent WO / 2020/060606 relates to officially recorded facts. It was registered on March 26, 2020. It was made by

Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC under the presidency of Gates and gained international status on April 22,

2020. "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data" is the title of this patent. The online patent application can be

summarized as follows: The human body activity associated with the task provided to a user can be used in the mining

process of a cryptocurrency system. A server can provide a task to a user's device connected to the server. A sensor

attached to the user's device or positioned within it can detect the user's body activity. Body activity data can be

generated based on the attained body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system connected to the user's device

can verify whether the data generated by body activity meet the conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and can

issue cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified."



Bill Gates is a spokesperson for the WHO that are administering the vaccines. Enough said. I hope.

We can imagine anything that we want to and have it come into form. We must not let our minds.. our souls... be abused by awful people. And we must not become awful people ourselves. And if you feel you are, and you want to change, then good. You can. Do so so Fantastically Amazingly So. Up your own states of consciousness, as well as collectively, between your families, Greatly and consistently so. Let's really take time out, away from these digital devices, to feel our emotional and physical soul connection with God, our family, our alien protectors, and all of our other loved ones, whom are also our family. God bless us all.