
It has taken me, what we call years in MEPA, to be able to formalize my thoughts and what I knew deep down and only understood that I had to become reaware of. 

All of the revolutions in human history that were starting to achieve in society a reality in which was peaceful and close to achieving the most grand universal true peace have been infiltrated and stopped from being successful here, and for way, way too long. 9/11, The 2003 Blackout and Covid 19... These are all moments in history that have all brought us closer together. On 9/11 I can remember everyone, even people that we did not ever speak to in our town, speaking to one another and assuring everyone that we had their backs incase anything happened here. Well now it has. Now something has happened here. Now something really huge and awful has happened worldwide. The 2003 blackout was another defining moment in our history where the majority of us all bonded together and coexisted with our loved ones and the others around us in very nice and supportive loving ways. We all got to bond so close with anothers souls during that period. Maybe that was the most that many of us have since... That needs to happen again. It needs to happen now. We are now experiencing another false flag being carried out on all of us. A very evil plan that has been very well orchestrated against us. We need to get past all of the confusion and frustration due to all of the massive amount of misinformation and disinformation that has been consistently shoved our way every single day since the 2016 election. 

We need our minds to become clear again and aware that we need to go back to a moment in time when life was not as rushed and reliant on technology. When it was slower, and more valued. When it was enjoyed and we actually felt some what free. We at least did feel  lot more free and at ease in the 2004 to 2007 era. Let's all agree to meet each other back at the best states that we have all ever been mentally. Let's all join together and agree to disagree but to not hate. To realize that there were meant to be no sides. We are all supposed to love happily under a common set of rules, and we can do that successfully and greatly, unlike ever before in human history. The time for that to happen has far arrived but any day now it must. The fact is, is that we have been and still are being attacked by terrorists. Awful people that do not have our best interests at heart whatsoever. We are not in the hearts of the terrorists at all. They only love terror and power. There have been a lot of people that have been murdered that have tried to help wake up the majority of people worldwide by exposing to everyone the absolute horrors going on all around us, kept secret. And also, to help try and bring about a grand scene of awareness within everyone all around the world. All one another collectively together. As well they warned us about this very time and age that we are now currently in. This Cvid 19 deceivment was a planned out false flag event that had been planned out since long ago and is now in full effect worldwide. This has been a depopulation agenda for social and political reasons. As well as reasons of power by beings, may I say creatures, of whom some may falsely still refer to as kings and queens. We do no need them. They need us. We need one another... WE, we the people need us. We need to unite and be there for one another. Understand that we have all been played hardcore since 2016, and well before that, and in the awareness of us all being eternal consciousness that live and exist with one another regardless and so we must do so Greatly.

It is 110 percent the Absolute time to unite together. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. We need to find a cure for what these experimental vaccines have done and we need to resist anymore further tyranny. We are and have been for so long improvised here on this earth mentally, physically and spiritually. 

Since the beginning of my life on this plain here I sensed a lot of evil. It attacked me while I was awake in my playpen at night and so I knew since back then, as a baby, that evil certainly existed. I just was not aware of how it actually operated until April of 2021. I also felt, since the 1st moments of my life here that I can remember, and very much so,

that there was something about life that was so ASTOUNDING and SO AMAZING and so VERY IMPORTANT... but me along everyone that I met just couldn't put out finger on exactly on it. I also, ironically, knew intuitively, that that was also a huge part of it. The unawareness. And that we had to break through this confusion that we have been

born into and the conclusion that has become our being... rid that sense of being lost and find what exactly that was

that we knew WAS, but were not exactly aware yet of what it was. That has been so frustrating for me and for so many others that I have met and come across. I have come to become aware that we (the massive percentage of us here on this earth plain) have been cut off here from being aware of so much. From being aware of on such simple levels about how great and eternal we all are. The murder and killing of such great euprohic states of consciousness...

of being... being repeatedly bashed out of the people, is very true. On such a huge universal level and on a such small personal day to day level. And it has been for way, way too long now. People like Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Isaac Kappy and others have been murdered and replaced with shitty fakes. Our lives here have been replaced with shit music, shit toys, retarded advertising that could only make one more retarded, and shit pretty much Everything to keep us distracted from the awareness of how great and powerful we all individually and collectively could be and ultimatly are. During my near death experience I became aware of this as well. But cooling back from such a great place of warmth and love made me even more frustrated and I chose to be self destructive in Hope's of return back there sooner. I begged to stay but I was not allowed to yet. I still had work to do HERE on this plain. The collective awareness of such amazing facts of yourself and everyone else has been put on the back burner and you have been given cellphones, computers, and a vast amount of other electronics instead. Again, to keep you constantly bombarded and distracted. It is evil. We are being imprisoned here physically and spiritially. We have to not be. 

We must change our ways here and we must do so very fast. The same people responsible for infiltrating and killing off all of the peaceful revolutions and restricting the awareness of who everyone really is and what life REALLY is about (which is certainly not their version, but they have forced it upon us) are out in the open for everyone to now see. They have been exposed. The murder of Kurt Cobain, which was way more than the murder of 1 man, was another killing off point for humanity being able to completely take in how just amazing they are and just how truly amazing life in general is. Courtney Love, who planned Kurt's murder, along with many of our politicians worldwide, as well as other

celebrities and influential people, including members, if not all, of the royal family have all been to Epstein Island. You have all heard about the outrageous things that have went on on that island. Well there are many more as well. Humanity here is being held hostage, is being enslaved, tortured, and killed off. Plus on top of that we are bombarded

with insult on top of injury over and over again by people that claim to be completely sane.

Humanity is awakening and becoming aware that the grand percentage of us here alive on this earth have been played since public school. Since kindergarten. Thanks for teaching me how to write and how to speak though. Thanks a lot for that. It is time that we no longer tune into any news outlets unless it is the weather channel. Time to listen to the radio again, but only on classic music channels. Anything from about 2007 and before. It is time for us to all be celebrities. Let's use this technology that sociopathic murdering tyrants gave to us to all unite peacefully, within the awareness that we are all eternal consciousness and that we must unite together collectively and peacefully so. It wouldn't hurt us at all to let our hands touch the ones of our loved ones more often instead of our electronics. Keep the fun and joy alive in our lives all together and let's not let evil dictators rule over the grand percentage of us all. We are not animals, but we have and are certainly being treated as so. And by murderous mass geneciding tyrants that are the most barbaric creatures that I have ever fucking seen and known of. Become lucid during REM sleep. You will most certainly understand and

realize and be fully aware that you are not your body and that you are also most certainly not an animal. You are not what those tyrants and evil people of this world see you as. You are not any degrading anything that they can ever think up of to say to or about you. You are eternal consciousness. You travel while awake (day dreaming, running, jogging, walking) and while asleep (consciously and or unconsciously).

We are Absolutely amazing. Though what should have been the next big thing and IS the next big thing has been purposely dwarfed from our awareness. Instead of realizing and understanding how powerful, eternal and amazing we all truly simply are, we were given computer screens and then cellphones with screen to keep our brain distracted. Can you say brain washing? Yes and to such a high extent. Lucid dreaming is real and you can actually live the life of your

dreams and be happy. Here on this earth plane we are constantly being forced into states of despair, depression, anxiety and fear on purpose. We literally have been distracted for so long from becoming aware of how great and powerful we really are. That is what I realized when I began to understand lucid dreaming and that any great dream

life that we can think up of to have we can absolutely experience and have. This is so amazing yet why isn't everyone aware of this? Maybe only certain people can do it? That turns out not to be the case. It happens during REM sleep, and everyone goes through REM sleep during the early cycles of morning. This should have been and IS the next big thing. We are being bombarded now with information and propaganda and all forms of entertainment that our minds feel too overwhelmed by it, and more so than not. We were supposed to all unite under this awareness and coexist greatly together. We were supposed to go outside and run around and have fun and discover and realize and

understand our potential. Instead these phones and computers... which really... is everything that our soul can already

do (without a wifi connection - just the universal connection that there is) have been given to us to keep our power restrained and focused elsewhere. Not within and all around us. But at our screens. We were not supposed to live indoors staring at screens in hypnotic and hypnagogic states. Our realization of our incredible powers are being

dwarfed away from us. The majority of people here on this earth are out of touch and lost. They have lost God. The majority of people worldwide have replaced God and the awareness of their eternity with electronics and by relying on government to help aid and direct them (which is Absolutely corrupted). 

Electronics and government... it makes sense that we would have to have something in our houses and our being all of the time to keep us distracted... and something of which was handed over to us from government itself.

So, if I may suggest something to everyone... please just try this... - Set your alarm on your phone to 5am to wake yourself up. When it goes off, wake up and turn it off. Then lay your head back down and keep yourself aware that you are entering a dream within 3 minutes tops. Keep that and as well the name of someone that you want to be with or a place where you want to be in mind. That will be your "target". So you have your "target" and you are also keeping your brain aware that in literally ANY MOMENT you will suddenly be in the dream world (the astral realm,

afterlife...) ... and soon, at any point, you will have found yourself wide awake but dreaming and able to be cemented

there Physically. For a little while you may find yourself floating above places and people and watching. It's a nice

ride though and you will enjoy it as you stay conscious with it. Eventually, if you still keep your focus going, also it helps to keep making yourself feel excited that you are currently entering your dreaming state and aware of it and going more into it while being aware of it and how amazing this all is, and soon enough you can become well cemented in your dream physically. It is just as real as being awake, if not more. If you ever get sleep paralysis, remember that you can manifest Absolutely Any weapon of your own choosing. It is very important to take time out during the day to remember how you will defend yourself in any situation in a way that will Absolutely get you out of it. You can daydream about ways in which you will defend yourself... and that there, is mentally and spiritually strengthening yourself. It's important to remember to that we are eternal consciousness. We travel while awake (day dreaming and walking, running) and while asleep... (consciously or unconsciously) ... consciously is Amazing. Once you wake up from the dream write it down right away. Sometimes I find that I dont even have to write it down at all because I remember it just as I remember being awake and doing what I normally do around my apartment. This really makes us aware that life is so magical and always has been... but unfortunately, instead of people like Kurt Cobain and people with his real approach and spiritual euphoric influence ruling over this world, which I believe would have led to a revolution of United consciousness.... instead of that becoming the big thing, cell phones and all other electronics

did instead. That has been very disappointing. 

There was more artistic and personal value to things people did back in the 90's and before for sure, and we realize now that our humanity was and it being totally hijacked from us and we were and are all being enslaved here. The revolutions of this awareness have been infiltrated and stopped since the 60s and on forward to this very moment.. which is all the same moment. We are still at the same point of enslavment here... mentally, spiritually and physically.. it's only gotten worse now. We have been given technology instead and we have and are being designed to be addicted and amazed to this stuff instead (technology). It is very saddening... to realize that yes humanity has been very held back from amazing basic understandings of who they are and put into a world of clicking, scrolling and judging instead. And all so impersonal. Its not how we are supposed to exist and it's not how the future should be right now. 

We knew that life certainly felt different compared to the 90s and early 2000s.. and now we know why. It's not because of "time" ... we have been being played. You can get a whole ton of belongings made in 1997 and have them all in your place and "go back" to 1997. Just because the objects have changed and people have grown physically, does not mean that time grew or changed.... lol, it wasn't even there. Its all just a thought... a state of being, away. Once you become lucid and you realize that you can physically become yourself again at age 12... you realize that thing that we were taught in school called "time" was apart of that bullshit that we always felt about life but couldn't put our finger on! We have been so distracted though... humanity has... and for many many generations.. The revolutions of this collective awareness have almost happened & have many times but the bad people in apart of government &, others, always fuck it up for everyone so that it cannot & does not happen. They need people to be distracted as fuck. And so far people are. It's so fucking incredibly sad. But we are now aware that Anything is possible and that we are all eternal and that is GOOD. And as well that we can come up with any creative solution for any problem and that we can even go back to a point in our lives and face a certain trauma (since now that it has already happened, we know what will happen, so we can go back but with a plan that we have thought out while awake and face it the way that we Want to & rise above that situation). We have all the power. We are still living it out at age 5, 7, 12, 17, 20, 22, only now in the best ways that we see fit. Become more aware & you will keep having such fantastic times at all ages that you have ever been. Will you try it? I promise you that you will be AMAZED. As long as you have just woken up, go back to bed keeping your brain aware for the next 3 mins that at any moment you are going to be dreaming and you are going to be aware of it. Stay doing that in your very sleepy state for the next 3 minutes. Fight off the urge that you have to just want to fall back to sleep unconsciously. Your brain will stay aware and you will be aware while crossing into it. You will suddenly find yourself physically in the dream world and able to have any experience that you wish as well as see what your soul has been up to on the other side and in all pockets of space that you exist in.

- Zachary Brian McQuaid.