Zach And Sarah - Writing #1

"Sarah, is sex trafficking wrong?" - Zach

"Why yes Zach, it is. Haha. But if it's consensual transational sex work being done, then it is perfectly fine." - Sarah

"Huh? But you just said that it was wrong... and how do you know if it's actually being done consentually? What if they feel so bruised in a soul way and that has damaged them into thinking that it is okay? That is okay? And it's okay to disrespect our minds, our bodies and our souls for money anyway? Shouldn't we be doing better than that and help people be able to live their lives outside of sex trafficking in general?" - Zach

Sarah is now busy on her phone, ignoring Zach.

Zach continues...

"This is why we fit in so much with Slappy. Whenever Slappy says something, it's always mean, disturbing and plain out shocking." - Zach

"Shut up. Masturbate and then ask yourself if you still feel the same way." - Sarah