Zach And Sarah - Writing #2

"Why expose your breasts to people so that you can get more attention to yourself and to your shows, when what you have done, for the most part, is become a government mouth piece... That looks like you are a sex worker for the government... Are you a sex worker for the government?" - Zach

Sarah looks up at Zach, turns her head to the camera, exposes her breasts and says;

"Like my breasts? Don't forget to wear a mask everyone and get jabbed as many times as the government tells you to. We don't like dirty people. Let's Build Back Better in an extreme fancy dancy way! And don't think that you're a hero if you don't get your fucking vaccine!" - Sarah

Zach looks down at the floor of the stage, feeling an overwhelming amount of shame for him and for Sarah. For humanity.

"You are beautiful Sarah, but you are ultimatly not treating yourself beautifully, yourself. You don't have to expose yourself to people and you shouldn't feel the need to. You deserve to be viewed in a much better way, not in a way in which you make yourself look like an easy pile of dirty trash to use. You should have more respect for yourself and you always should have. You are 51 and I am 28 and even I know this." - Zach

"Let's talk about my pubes!" - Sarah

"What about Isaac Kappy?" - Zach

"What about him?! He's dead! So what?!" - Sarah

"He was in your comedy circles and he exposed many of them as pedophiles and he got set up and murdered by Thomas Schoenberger and G. They both set me up as well..." - Zach

Sarah is looking down and typing away on her cellphone, ignoring Zach.

"Sarah???" - Zach

"I'm not going to speak to you right now, I'm busy messaging my sister Susan." - Sarah

"Why?" - Zach

"Shut up and leave us alone! We don't know anything about that and we are not even going to speak about it. We do not have to." - Sarah

"This is really upsetting... I think I want to die. This world is so awful. So messed up and never really like how I thought that it was back in 2007 and before and even now currently..." - Zach

"Well. Masturbate. Then decide if you still want to kill yourself, my dumb young stud." - Sarah

"Okay..." - Zach

Zach continues...

"If you adopt someone, and raise them, and you are not their mother, but act as one and a lover as well, is that not kind

of inappropriate?" - Zach

"Not if it's consensual between the two people." - Sarah

"But he was so young... and that's been since he was a baby... you all just raised him up to be accepting of that?" -


"Mind your own business, these are personal matters between my family and friends." - Sarah