Zach And Sarah - Writing #4

"Look at how deceived we have been all along!!!" - Sarah

"Exactly, Sarah. Crimes against humanity. Be calm though. Be still. We are above this and we always have been. Feel the most greatest love for everyone that wants to truly do good and for the rest of your family right now." - Zach

"Okay." - Sarah

"Stay chill. You are so great, that others that are not great at all, used your greatness to hide behind your greatness to cover their evil and also only to later have you feel at fault afterwards and be in despair. That is not your fault. They deceived you as well as many, many other people all around the world. You are purely perfect and beautiful still and

you always, always will be." - Zach

"Your family is also my family Sarah, and vise versa..." - Zach

"My family is your family, and yours is mine? We barely even know you..." - Sarah

"Our great connections do not run through our wifi connections nor our screens, Sarah. They run through our hearts. Our souls. We connected when I first started to adore you back in 2007. We are eternal spirit beings, and we have been travelling and meeting others that are great that we vibe greatly well with, not only while awake, but while

asleep as well. We are connected through God and we ultimately always have been and forever will be." - Zach

Zach continues...

"My true family and friends are awesome and great, and so are all of your true family and friends, friends also being family... so..." - Zach

"Are we like... a collective soul?" - Sarah

"Yup! Doesn't that rock?" - Zach

"That Shines!" - Sarah

"Yuuup!!!" - Zach

"This is it, Sarah... this truly is 'the mark of the beast' that is getting pushed on everyone..."

"Well that came quick!" - Sarah

"It sure did, Sarah. It sure did. It went over many people's heads and hearts. In the blink of an eye they will put it all together and realize so much... if they don't already, they will all unfortunately realize so very soon." - Zach

"The modern day nazis of MEPA (World #1) are looking for those whom can survive such tampering of their DNA and be able to be a master slave. The nazis of this world have always wanted a master slave race. They never stopped existing, Sarah. They went covert, yet they were still, and still are, all around us and in our faces. They rely on others remaining oblivious to how they are being awfully victimized. That is how truly horrific and evil that they are, Sarah. Stop giving into nazis that want us obliviously participating along with them... they do not truly care about us in decently good ways. They want us accepting awfulness with them, and we must not accept awfulness with them. Many have been so fooled. It's gone right over their heads and they are consistently enchanted by deceit. We are censored, and out of their evil tyranical system if we do not agree with them... basically left for dead. Left for dead. The truth social app that Trump has out... that is a trap to. Straight from the source of the antichrist. The antichrist is an actual man who is head of the awful system. Their a joke, but a mean and cruel one. That is how shockingly disturbingly Satanic this all has been. Finally dip your soul out of it all... return to your higher purer greater self that is of peace, unconditional love, empathy, and never accepting awfulness and rottenness to be any bit apart of your soul, your life or our families souls and lives together with us." - Zach