Zach And Sarah - Writing #6

"You are participating in an evil medical experiment. Just as the nazis always have." - Zach

"Oh shit..." - Sarah

"And yeah... everyone has been being directed by the nazis of MEPA... it don't feel like 2007 orthe 90's anymore in the good ways that it did for many of us... it's all awful... so all out in the open awful now. Can't you see the awful changes that our society and our lives have become? There was evil everywhere Sarah... it really did exist... there is good, and evil. We are not of that evil... but I tell you this Sarah... it exists all around us in the open now... and always did... Just because we aren't like them consciously, doesn't make the fact that they exist all around us not true. They deceive us, force their will upon us, and if we stand up against the evil that we catch them doing... they murder us. It is awful. How can you see them as good people that you should rely on? Is it because you are afraid? I am too... Isaac was as well... but they are enslaving and killing us all anyway, Sarah... you must disconnect yourself from all of the bad connections that you have made. Get them out of your life and out of your mind... away from affecting your soul any longer. Please... please Sarah. Don't let them turn you into a hateful person. You are so great and beautiful. Please don't let them use and abuse your greatness and beauty. They do that to too many people. Don't be another one that turns rotten for other peoples agendas that are truly not as great as they seem.... hence why they need to use people like you and me. There is no divide... unless we want there to be... then we can all go on still feeling awful inside our hearts together, and not taking the off time to feel how we really feel by... staying busy with our digital devices. Don't you want to feel people's emotional presence again more presently and greatly? And don't you want to have people expressing themselves truly and purely to you without them being apart of anything rotten?... and yourself?.... You are so much better than rottenness and rotten people with

rotten motives." - Zach

"Just look at the satanic nazi horror show..." - Zach says.

Zach continues...

"Talk show hosts dancing around with needles? Elmo telling children to get needles on their television sets and making it look all spectacular? Nazi titles all around us.... The evil's all around Sarah... it didn't leave after WW2... it has literally been in plain sight all around us all this time... This is their idea of build back better. Not ours, Sarah. What needs to be the great reset is getting rid of people that are truly evil that are all around us and have been all along... they literally now want us to accept their 'mark of the beast', Sarah... they are that rotten. They think it's funny Sarah, but it is not. If they can get you to laugh at it, then they can get you to downplay the entire situation that we have been under for so long, and also contribute to their evil... only to be extremely shocked and horrified at a later date. As was I. As was Isaac. As were a vast amount of others that are no longer in MEPA. They have died from here. Bad people being those awful ways and going along with agendas that are awful, but disguised to some... think that it is the way to go, but it is not. It is evil and it is all meant to horrify everyone very soon. Look at how mesmerized that they have become over their own selves... consistently living in a world of compitition... non stop bragging... yelling at the people that adored them for so many years since childhood... deceiving children and adults worldwide and giving them a false sense of who they are, on TV... and most of the time, in person when they are around others. Sometimes they don't disguise themselves, and you should not put up with that either, Sarah. People grew up seeing these people on TV since they were very young. They learn that there are more people in the world. They cling to who they adore in a pure way. Is it awful to do that... to have the majority of people worldwide see only a great side of us... when really... we could be very awful people, and that is very awful. Very awful for everyone at home awful that is living on this planet with me and you and everyone else. We were admiring a lot of rottenness for many many years since we have been born... and realizing that now, is very disturbing to us. Especially because many remain oblivious to how extremely bad and evil these people in MEPA, that are apart of the MEPA system, are. Straight up are. Why should we live a false sense of reality on this planet with everyone, and mask evil and let it to continue? Let's stop being oblivious to it and resist it as well as call it out and not put up with it anymore. Peacefully. Let's be really better than them. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Let's be clean. Purely clean. I know that the truly great people everywhere in this world, and in MEPB, and the breakaway lands that are of peace, unconditional love and empathy would Absolutely love for that to consistenly be and remain. Let's reach awesome, great, clean and appropriate pure states of consciousness, with as many as we can that will do so with us. And let's wait... be excited... because I am pretty sure that something spectacular is going to be happening in the skies real soon. We are okay. Sarah, we are already saved from the MEPA mess... but still, let's do our Absolute Best now. I am very sorry that you ever had to be around those types of people

ever." - Zach

Zach continues again...

People have been deceived into accepting awfulness. Total evil." - Zach

"I cannot wait.. until the moment that we will all be on the same page about what was and is. We will cry, hug one another, and finally be able to live our lives together greatly. Without all of the horrible people that infiltrated our lives and many people's minds all

over the entire world." - Zach

"Good." - Sarah

'Yup-per!" - Zach