Zach And Sarah - Writing #7

"We know that was fake..." - Sarah (referring to Uri Geller bending the spoons).

"Yes, Sarah, totally. They knew about real stuff like lucid dreaming and remote viewing, but the showmanship stuff... like the spoon bending that Uri did... rather than simply explaining to everyone in a simple way how to remote view and lucid dream, they made it seem like in order to be extrodianary... that you had to have some obvious magical powers, here, in MEPA. But no, you have them in MEPB. And as well MEPA, but our power is our own consciousness and our Great collective soul, together with all the others that are of great consciousness that we love and resonate with. They bullshitted people and controlled MEPA in ways that made and keep it sour." - Zach

"Why?" - Sarah

"Because Sarah, the government does not want each and every one of you at home cementedly understanding how actually capable we all are via our eternal souls. We would all unite together greatly, consciously aware of how incredibly amazing, special, and loved we all are. " - Zach

"Why would they want us to not all be collectively cementedly aware of things such as lucid dreaming?" - Sarah

"Because Sarah... People will then absolutely realize that they must be in great control of their own minds themselves, and as well, stay closely connected to their families, and not let the entire world into their houses via their government devices. The takeover of those magnificant people... their minds and their lives... their souls... would not have been

able to happen otherwise. They kept our families in states of obliviousness, that they were oblivious to, of course, and

for way, way too long..." - Zach

Pretty evil..." - Sarah

"That it is Sarah. That it sure is. Keeping families oblivious as they tried to understand, and began to understand and master, what they termed top secret stuff... so that they could play God, Sarah.... Evil it is. They are not God, Sarah... I don't even think that they are OF God." - Zach

"True say Zach" - Sarah

"All you have to do is reach the hypnagogic state. It's quite simple actually. You can remote view people in live time, connecting with them just as fast as you do when you are on your phone with them via messenger. As well, have amazing great experiences with others in the astral realm. We are actually amazing and we have been since we were

babies! We have just been made to become consistently unaware of so by being held back basic information, given misinformation and disinformation, as well as having to follow a consistent schedule that can only exhaust one out by overwhelming them and then almost completely wearing them out. The elite of the MEPA system know what they are doing and they have for centuries. Now they want everyone focused in on and amazed by the digital connection given

to them on their screens by their military. People have now become very numb to people's physical and emotional presence and they are consistently, or at least way more so than not, trapped in very quick states of dealing with life. As fast as a click of a webpage." - Zach

"Haaayyyy is that why that same government system that didn't want us to be aware of all of that... put us into the school system... and wanted us to stay in it until adulthood ? To abide by it's systems lame rules all the time

consistently up into the very moment that our bodies drop dead from here? Leaving only us wondering about life and about death the entire time that we were present here in MEPA?" - Sarah

"That's exactly right Sarah." - Zach

"Can you remember your childish perceptions? They want to fracture us away from those and make us rotten and obediant towards and for them. Just as they are. But we... we are all magically amazing and capable of creating greatly ourselves. In MEPA and outside of MEPA, in the astral plane and the breakaway lands that we have created. Our imaginations hold so much power... so much more power than the MEPA elite want us to be aware of while we are

awake here in MEPA. We are all a complete eternal spirit being. We live our lives all the time still, from each and every 'year' that we have existed, really our lives are just one eternal moment that we and God put meaning to... and we must do so purely Greatly. We still live our lives from every point of our lives that we have ever existed, and

whenever we want to, and we make those times even greater. Once our souls transition from MEPA, we remember completely. We are already free. I want you to be aware of that, while in MEPA. You have to realize that. We can be in and also get out of any situation. We are eternal spirit beings. We are the consciousness beings of peace, unconditional love, and empathy. The MEPA elite, unfortunately, do not want those 3 virtues to truly purely ever rule our lives, or anybody else's. Them gaining this world from us, MEPA, is their souls complete downfall. That's on them. Not you and me or our families. We were victimized by them since birth. It is soon time to no longer accept

being victimized. We already do all live together greatly outside of MEPA. Collectively together... And they want that to seem like a fantasy to me and to you. They don't want us to see ourselves as the truly great powerful eternal souls that we all are. Instead, they want us to see ourselves as they see us, as cattle. Cattle of Their's. They are not of God. They are of tyranny. Pure evil. The mark of the beast. Please resist their awful system, Sarah. Everyone... do not accept another digitally imprisoned transition into your lives. You cannot afford this one. God is counting on you all to make the naturally right choices that will progress you all rather than destroy you all." - Zach