Zach And Sarah - Writing #8

"Sarah, is your sister organization, Second Nurture, that provides home for children that need one, being used as well to traffic kids to celebrities? Seth Green?" - Zach

"..." - Sarah

"Sarah..." - Zach

Sarah is now looking down at her cellphone, typing away furiously. In a panic.


"I'm not going to speak to you or about this at all." - Sarah

"Sarah...." - Zach

"I don't hear you. Please leave us alone." - Sarah

"Wow, Sarah... wow. You could have been such a better person, and you know it. Like how I viewed you in 2007, in a cool hip way like Ashton Kutcher in Punk'd when I myself was 14..." - Zach

"Look... we have been doing things that are not appropriate all along, alright?!?! We talk like trash and we live like trash. Forever. Obey the beast system or go to Jesus." - Sarah

"Are you really against all of this crazy crime in the world? Or are you just living behind having others assume so?" - Zach

"..." - Sarah

"Why? ... Did that happen but you couldn't stop it from happening? Are you just one of the others that cover the Epstein stuff but leave out your own role that you have played and continue to play in it?" - Zach

"Zach... there truly are rotten people that are apart of a rotten agenda full of other rotten people that never were as great at all as they seemed to be on your television set. This world has a lot of evil in it... now move along." - Sarah

Zach continues...

"I really wish Sarah, that you would for real turn your life around in such very great ways, for your own soul and for so many others that truly love you and want the best for you. That see the Best in you. Outside of any and of all,

rotten, awful ways. The inappropriate and pure awfulness that has been so much of your life needs to come to a hault and discontinue from happening. A lot of people see you as a great person... You could actually sincerely be that great person. Consistently. It is a real shame for me to come to know these things. And for you to have been any bit apart of any of it. Please do better. Let's both do better. Forever. Our eternity matters. Matters so much. Let's make it Absolutely fantastic in such absolute purely sincere, appropriate, clean, and positive ways. Let's build our souls back

better." - Zach