Zach And Susan - Writing #1

"So... if someone has a plan to murder you and your family, are you just going to skip over listening to that? Because you can't put the energy into it and you need to help your family, meanwhile you ignore the fact that they are being experimented on and will soon, most likely, drop dead?" - Zach

"Yes. I already know all that I need to know. Life is great, it's only the dirty unvaxxed people that have ever been a problem. Soon they will all be sent off to camps, hopefully..." - Susan

"But what about the nazis that are influencing thier minds and your mind and making us follow an awful system of control?" - Zach

"We are building back better. Covid is The Great Reset." - Susan

"How is experimenting on people and murdering them building back better?" - Zach

"It will feel like a new earth, once the majority of them are gone. They were dirty and they must be shunned and cast off of our earth." - Susan

"But... this is God's earth... not mans... man is supposed to be with God... not against God.

Man is not God. Nor is God apart of the evil awful man made system of tyranical control." - Zach

Zach continues...

"You and Sarah... even your daughter Hallel... are being experimented on, and as well murdered..." - Zach

"I don't think there is anything serious to that, we are fine." - Susan

"You have already trusted and let in the wrong people. The wrong people that have deceived you and many others around you for many years... awful people made you become oblivious to pure evil awfulness being done to you..." - Zach

Susan is now texting away on her cellphone, doesn't hear Zach.

"So... they killed Isaac Kappy, and now they are going to kill your family. What do you have to say about that?" - Zach

Susan looks up and says;

"We ignore that kind of stuff. It doesn't matter. There's nothing too serious to any of all that. None of that has ever

involved us." - Susan

"That's not true at all, Susan." - Zach

Zach continues...

"This is not a threat, but soon... you... Sarah... Laura, Hallel, all my family and friends... are all going to be dead very soon. I promise

you, It mattered." - Zach

"You mean, why the Isaac Kappy case mattered was because he knew that we were all in danger from an awful group of actual evil people that have always been against us since birth?" - Susan

"Absolutely, Susan. Everything that was true about what was always taking place that truly was and still is truly evil and awful, has been bombarded over with a ton of misinformation and disinformation. Why? To keep people

oblivious to what has actually been happening, and is now happening in plain sight. Evil is being masked. How it was

and is still influencing us and society, is being masked. Disguised." - Zach

Zach continues...

"People have choices. They either be all around good people, or they be all around bad people. No excuses... or trying to mask how they view themselves to others by wanting to make their mind see some of what is bad as still being alright. We should just always be good to ourselves and to one another. Unfortunately the many of us have been

enchanted by lies since birth. Not even given the clear understanding that we are eternal spirit beings of consciousness, created by God, not man. Not government. What has been done to all of us since birth truly has been very awful. We were consistently made to be oblivious to how awful things really were and still are. We are so great,

but our greatness is, unknowingly to most, being used in a very sour evil way that goes against the best of who we actually are.... and for a long while... even now, that is what has been and is unfortunately still happening. Many have fallen very short here and they have for so long now. Many people worldwide believed that their world was normal,

and that it would go straight back to being normal in 2 weeks. It never was normal though, Susan... and if normal is considered good, well then normal has never been good. It has been very awful." - Zach

"Will these people use all of my words against me and script it all into me only looking like a confused hateful nutball? DUH! That's why they chose me!" - Zach