Be Kind - Rewind

Dear everyone,

A lot of people did not take their own chance during the fall of MEPA. Instead, they sat back and allowed government and government servants to keep directing them. They kept looking at their screens and allowing themselves to be directed by them. They relied on them more than they trusted and relied on themselves for making their own decisions. Good decisions. Genuinely good decisions from the heart that would help a lot of people.

I took my own go at it, in MEPA. Just as Kurt Cobain would have if he was still physically present in MEPA (He has certainly been working from behind the scenes via MEPB. I can assure you all of that). Occasionally ghosts can cross the border and have us see them from MEPB. That is very true and very Awesome. Kurt would not have put up with an awful system of control consistently manipulating our minds and our bodies. Our souls. There needs to be a lot of more people expressing themselves as they wish to, in nice and polite ways that are actually coming from their hearts. From the greatest part of their soul that realizes that living in freedom and peace of mind is how we should all be living and existing, collectively together with all that are great at heart. Our personalities, our souls, all really need to

shine Together again (in MEPA and in MEPB as well as everywhere else).

People need to stop remaining consistenly oblivious to the bigger and great picture that they are and have always been apart of (Which is completely outside of their digital devices and it is not of a wifi connection). 

Stop looking at your screens. Rewind consciously and look at where your MEPA is now at. That is not how it is supposed to be for any of us. Our dreams are not even supposed to be so crazy, and I know that for a lot of us that they have been in recent years.  

Make MEPA as great and as awesome as your MEPB can be. You are eternal and so are all of your loved ones. Build yourself and others up greatly. Vibe together greatly. Be physically and emotionally present. Comfort one another in genuinely heart felt ways. Remember your connection with God. Your family. Which is our eternal live time soul connection. It is our natural one. It is not a digital one.


Zachary Brian Mcquaid

MEPA = Main Earth Plane A (The plane in which you were physically born from).

MEPB = Main Earth Plane B (The astral plane/our connection with the breakaway lands where we always feel great/things are always going great - Nirvana).