Aunt Susan (Spiritual Entries)

Disclaimer: These silly stories about Susan Silverman are Fake News - Intended to bring attention to even worse fake news from actual very bad criminals that falsely Befriended/Deceived/Set up/Terrorized and Killed Isaac Kappy and keep doing so to more people. They did to me. Please Pay Attention. Make a big deal out of this. Look what else there is that will show you why I am trying to get attention to much fake news going around... I am explaining how it is happening. All of this awfulness online Needs To Stop. It's not just random people doing this either, it is also handlers for celebrities, politicians, journalists, and a whole bunch of other people that participate in crime. As well, wanting to distort those crimes, so they falsely befriend people online, lie to them with their fake news, and manipulate their thinking and course of actions. They terrorize people. They set people up to be sued and silenced. If that person knows about their crimes, and once the person also figures out that they have been majorly lied to and misled by them the entire time. Thomas and Goon. They make up stories and they play them out online to others and they drag other people into what they do, to use. They make up stories and they respond to one another about the fake stories in ways that they have planned out to respond with that person, to make it all look random to many, many other people. They want things seeming a certain way in which they are not. Also, I am just ridiculous at times and I need an outlet for my silliness as well. It is very serious, so much so, and we need to fix these serious worldwide issues of terrorism. Let's just try to get everything on this website a lot of attention and stay above it all at the same time 🦋 The emails in the Dropbox are the most important stuff here.

These are a number of unfortunate situations that have happened between me and my spiritual aunt Susan Silverman. Later I will write about the positive ones.

I remember Susan striking me across the nogan a lot when I was about 5 years of age. Those moments have recently come back to me not too long ago. I am sincerely hurt over the fact that she can act innocent, and get away with it, and that I can be stupid and get into trouble. That to me is a very serious concern. I remember walking with her to the convenience store near the mansion that I was brought to a lot. We were walking and I dropped my mickey mouse down the sewer drain. I cried and she kneed me in the face. I lost 3 teeth and 1 eyebrow and I have been very scarred by that moment ever since the very moment that it actually happened.

I never wanted to take ballet as a child, but Susan made me for quite some many years. It always made me feel so awkward. Especially because I had to wear the tight clothing. The girls could see that my area was not flat. That there was a bump. I was only 6. It made me feel very insecure while there. Every time. Susan would always tell me that shame is good. I remember her telling me that it doesn't matter that I have a bump, and that I wouldn't ever have to worry about anyone ever caring about it. I grew up accepting that, and now I realize that I have missed out on so much of my entire life.

She used to always say to me "life's cheap, feel shame and weap." I remember Susan and I going to toys r us a lot to find a new toy to shove up me butt. It has not been until my current age of 28 years that I have come to understand that her shoving objects into my rectum was wrong and not very family channel after all. Or maybe it was...

I also remember Susan tickling the inbetween of my butt when I was little... while I was asleep in her arms. I remember awakening several times to this and she would always say "It's normal..." and I'd always be like "okay."

One day, while watching a basketball game. I was 7... the team that we were rooting for scored a goal, I turned to my side and went to high five my aunt Susan and she high fived me right in the face really hard, on purpose. In front of everyone. I bled everywhere once she did that and I cried so loud... she ignored me and just kept watching the game and smiling. There were over 101 spectators.

🦄More to come - we tryin'!🦄