
I remember in public school, I forget which year, likely 2006, but in my class we were cutting out magazine articles about celebrities and the magazines phrasing their wild and inappropriate unhealthy lifestyles. It was a really good class and I will remember it forever. Anyhow, that seems to be happening so much more now. And now not just in magazines, but on every social media platform now as well. A celebrity says something that is rude, and many people will in turn like it, see it as funny, and are now able to engage with that celebrity and encourage that celebrity to still act in those ways that are not very nice or funny and are unhealthy to their own selves. Not just to others. It is sad. People should grow and they should not keep acting out in ways that are keeping them in states and lifestyles that are not the healthiest for themselves or for others. It be great to be appropriate and kind all the time. Wouldn't it? What if people acknowledged that only, and never a celebrity tweeting a mean tweet about someone else? Things would start to become and feel more normal I believe. We would all get along and only just genuinely help one another out and support one another with sincere respect. We would grow... and greatly so.