Old/Newer Writings

April 9th 2022;

If everyone understood lucid dreaming since 1997....

They would have shielded themselves from any awfulness.

They would have realized that they were able to be with and do what they want but that it all eternally mattered. So they would have done it wisely and in awesome ways. 

Not ways in which degrade them or others.

I want to live it up Cool. Most of the time by myself and with a good soul and 1 or more of my good alien protectors. Totally badass in the most awesome possomest ways with them. Clean. Appropriate. Laying down is fine. Kissing, hugging, props, cuddling. Never sex in any way. If I feel I must get a release - then I will masturbate in the bathroom, away from the person and protector. 

I want to feel clean but still very loved and supported. 

And I want to legit be all around awesome.

April 17th 2022;

Egotistical programmable people...

They'd be so blown away and amazed by getting to meet someone famous once a year. Meanwhile, they have everything and everyone that they could ever want. They are already connected with them, plus alien's! 

They have been made to be so retardedly oblivious and retardedly egotistical. They have been so victimized. Turned into the laughing idiots from the ghastly grinner episode of Are you afraid of the dark. Joke is on them but they can't see that. It's disturbing. And them acting like all is okay while being mean and disturbing ways as well just makes them look all around awful. Obliviously as well as uncaringly awful. They are caught in a box. Famous and not famous. A box of ego. Gross, unappealing ego. People don't realize how connected they are. Either way. They have a false sense of connection and how they connect is being used against them. 

I will help them. I will also stay with my aliens, since they have too many people trying to control them.

I'll wait for them to do better, and help how I can when they want me to and when I know they most Absolutely need help. 

With my aliens we will all chat greatly and live awesomely, not just is our weird manic ways but slowly and nicely. Kindly, joyfully and appropriately. Beautifully. 

April 26th 2022;

Well, Sarah is becoming smarter. Wiser. And finally growing up greatly in so many ways and settling down into life now for herself. Not to serve other people and continue to hurt her heart to make herself and others money still. She found value in herself and her own mind. Chose peace and joy, appropriateness, instead of awfulness and the admiration of anything awful. Learnt to give herself, her eternal life, others and her image so much more respect. 

April 29th 2022;

Sarah is being perverse and awful and attracting perverse and awful males and other weirdos around her and that makes me feel awful for her. 

You want to make our lives change awfully by consistently making people accept trashy and perverse awful ways.

April 30th 2022;

Sarah - This involves you and your coworkers, directly. Why am I being ignored? Why is my email evidence being ignored? 

Denying the truth while still living in it. A split existence. 

You're messed up... I'm sorry. And you're encouraging others to be messed up. And they are encouraging your messed up ways. Consistently. We need to grow. We need to grow into all around great people. Not into rotten perverted idiots. 

It is a tragedy for the entire world to see. And she stays in those traumatic states and chooses to improve upon them awfully. She needs money and her career. Not her life and not her self respect. She got a needle when a nazi told her to. They are so oblivious when it comes to life and themselves and to everyone else. At least I hope so... They grew up in very wrong and inappropriate ways listening and obeying to politicians that are war criminals, becoming mouth pieces for them and their agenda, as well as for other awful people. I hope she has been oblivious to that because she matters a lot to me and always will though regardless. I see that not so many great people, used her as mouth piece for them, so that they could seem great through her