That MEPB Connection

Since I was a baby I have always chosen to be close with certain people in my mind. Certain people that I seen on tv that I really admired. That continued althrough public school, high school, and once I left high school up into this very moment now. Forever. My group of people that I have picked out in my mind with all my soul are my MEPB family. In MEPA they're too busy with careers and too many people know about them so their mepa lives are really full so much of the time. I get that they need to have their casual time but unfortunately they are still controlled then as to what they can and cannot really do. Their voices are also the interior voices in my mind. I have my own, and theirs. I like them in all the greatest ways that they are. In all the ways that they are really cool and make life seem cool too. The feels of 2004 to 2007 are so much better than the feels of life in 2022 ... or since 2012 really. 2011 and before was so much better and fun with less of a consistent dark awful theme/feel to so much that is going on in the world. There was always darkness and awfulness but there are people worldwide that really shined and made life feel fun and like a really cool trip for so many of us. I wish that they would all respect themselves and enough to do things their very own way and not ever let themselves be taken advantage of by anyone that is contributing to an awful degrading feel to them... and to life. The best of my favorite influencial people shape my mind about life... certain people have done a very great job at making life feel like a very cool experience. I wish that they would consistently keep that up in mepa. Mepb is great. I went there during my near death experience in 2013 and I felt so much love and comfort. I wanted to stay because things felt so all around great. The states of existing consciously in mepa are very low, blindly limited, and sad.