
So, one of the coworkers of the workers that I had from CMHA (my replacement housing worker after they pulled Julie from working with me after I last seen her when she told me that her, Loucia, Chandra, and her boss Pio were receiving threats via phone and email by Thomas and Goon), said that him and some others are going to come into my apartment in a few weeks and do a covid inspection. Here come the real terrorists with their masked faces. Modern day nazis. Many oblivious to the fact that they are. Don't be like them. I don't like how awful this world has become. I had dreams about these events happening back in 2007. People are just going along with what they are told to and it is scary because they are just doing it. I told this new worker, Ossie, many times for over a year about the situation regarding myself and his coworkers and he ignored me plenty. When he did speak about it he said that he doubts any of it happened and that no one reached out to any of them... meanwhile I have email evidence which shows that a really bad person most certianly did - Thomas Schoenberger. Yet the Canadian Mental Health Association workers ignore this. They ignore me speaking about it and they ignore the evidence that I have regarding everything that I keep trying to speak about with them. I do not feel comfortable with these people entering my apartment. Also, I am with a new mental health agency now and the week that I have to leave somewhere to be a certain place is the same week in which workers of the previous mental health organization want to come into my apartment and do the covid inspection. The former mental health organization stays around only for my housing now. When Pio, their boss, pulled everyone away from working with me, he told me that under the rare exception, that I can keep my housing and that is it. Every other service provided through their services were/are no longer assecible to me anymore.  I have concerns about how all of this has worked out. I do not trust CMHA, or those workers. One of these workers, Julie, informed me that two of her coworkers Loucia and Chandra as well as her boss Pio were getting threats from Thomas Schoenberger and "Goon." She told me that I should not trust either of them and to stop making videos for them. I did not believe her and I kept making videos for them. She also told me that she punched a hole in her wall at home because of the entire situation and her fratisration over it, and that the police were involved but that I wasn't even supposed to know any of that. The police to this day, for over a year now since this all happened, have not spoken with me about this and when I called them about it I was only transferred to CMHA, by the police. It is all very serious and really needs to be looked at. I told Loicia and Chandra (my 2 other former workers with CMHA), when they were working with me, that Julie said that and then right away afterwards Julie was pulled from working with me. The next time that Loucia and Chandra came back to my apartment they both sat down and Loucia said the following to me "We just want to let you know that we support you in commiting suicide because you speak about it too much and because we understand the seriousness of your situation. We also want you to know that it's nothing personal, people need to make money. Our boss Pio wanted us to tell you that." 

THAT is what made me break down for so long! As well as realizing that I had befriended some very bad people that were not actually friends all along and were only messing with my mind and with my life. After Loucia said that and Loucia and Chandra and both got pulled from working with me, my complaints about her having said that to me have been consistently ignored and disregarded. More times just completely ignored. I have been ignored by my replacement housing worker Ossie and my doctor regarding this situation, as well as by the police. This has been a very rough year for me and I have put everything here together to get all of the emails and my situation that I went through a lot of attention. My case ties into Isaac Kappy's, Tracy Twyman's, Ian Murdock's, Pavana Davis, Jesse Davis, Cory Daniel, Alicia Rae, Kelly Giannini, as well as Samuel Fullerton's and Sgt. Mike Stephen's case. It did happen and I swear on my life to it. This kind of stuff cannot be allowed to happen. I do not feel safe with people that are connected to people that gave into threats from people that were setting me up and using me, entering my apartment.

I guess it is their MEPA apartment though. If they want it in MEPB they can have it too once I leave it. Once I leave it in MEPA I will also leave it in MEPB. I already have another version of it in a breakaway land and there it is eternal. They can have this MEPA version. It is the end of MEPA for a whole bunch of us anyway. We chose this terrorism. People literally chose to keep their careers over thier freedoms... their lives. Cough cough. Now I'm feeling pretty sick. How disturbing this has been, and really, only because so many remain oblivious to the fact that they are being victimized awfully and at the same time they choose to participate in awful behaviour. It paints their all around existence in a nasty, disturbing, awful, really messed up way. Augh to what the human race has been/become. We all chose this awfulness, and for many years we have. We all should have chosen to do way better all along though. And we should have been smart. We shouldn't have laughed about awful things. We shouldn't have brushed off so much that could possibly be going on and could still be going on.. is... and it is stuff that is truly awful, proves to be, yet is always disguised as something normal and great by awful people that want to seem great to many people worldwide. Stop falling for such an incredibly wowing yet very sad scheme. Be the one person in the world that actually does things their own way. Allow your brain it's own air. Eventually you have to.