
A bunch of Isaac's murderers, have clever ways of how to threaten a person, while having that person know that they are being threatened, but at the same time, speaking in the context of something possibly happening to someone else. When you are on the phone with them, you will know that you are being threatened and you will feel it in your core. But when you go to explain and regurgitate what they said to you, it only sounds like a normal conversation. They. Are. Clever. Criminals. 

They purposely subliminally put thoughts into people's minds that they find gullable enough to be able to do so to. How? By telling them things to try and make them paranoid and act in a certain way which is awful for the person to act and think like. The person does not notice it as the time, until they have really been wrapped up into their online/real life games (crime), and start to question things that they have been told by these certain people online that they trusted whom they never should have met online and trusted at all. 

How many people do they have to continue lying to big time and having be terrorized by their actions once and after the people find out that they have been lied to the whole entire time by these people in really big ways? Isaacs murderers, they are stern. They are rotten. They are pushy. They are controlling. They are straight up bad. Recently I have threatened to have my place broken into and have my head cut off. Is this funny, Sarah Silverman? I am very, very serious. Should I masturbate and then decide if I want them to do that to me? How much more disturbed does this world have to get? Why can't these people be stopped? Why do they still get to control the narrative? Why do they get to do illegal stuff and face no consequences? They lie BOLDLY. BOLDLY. Think whatever you want of me, check out my email evidence and let's stop so much bad stuff!!! Let's literally stop terrorism. Please share the email evidence, no one in charge of Isaac's case will. We are only listening to people that want audiences and are awful and some people that also have evidence but they are not getting much attention either. They need to. So far only Isaac's murderers have gotten all of the attention and help.

- Zachary Brian McQuaid 

Please help stop ALL OF THIS!