Kurt, Avril, Isaac, And Zachary (A Lucid Conversation)

A conversation between Kurt Cobain, Isaac Kappy, Avril Lavigne, and Zachary McQuaid. Written by Zachary McQuaid. A work of fiction. 

Kurt, Avril, Isaac and Zachary are chilling on 2 couches. Avril and Kurt one one. Isaac and Zachary on the other couch.


"We rise above it all. Consistenly.  Many of our loved ones act strange and degrading as shit. But we hold on for them. We know that once they transition out of MEPA, that they will see how awful that they have made things for themselves and for others. Their MEPA soul connected selves see so and really realize that... and they will either decide to change it all or go for it all still. Most of the time they drop on thier knees crying, and we are there for them. We always were. Here in MEPB, and of course our breakaway lands where we pull them into when they sleep at night. We have always helped people. Even if no one was too consciously aware of so at all while in MEPA. Life really is a multiverse."

Kurt continues;

"They want to,  and do, abuse people mentally, physically and spiritually. We can still feel things here. We most certainly do. In our hearts and physically. Do not let anyone tell you differently. We are orbs as well, but also physical whenever we want, but only here in our breakaway lands and MEPB. MEPA we can't be unless we enter into someone's avatar. We make up for doing so. No hard feelings. Many souls still physical in MEPA want to work with us. Like you and many of the people that you admire that are still physically in MEPA, Zach." 

"Most people are unaware consciously, of so much. It's severe. Once people transition from mepa, their full consciousness will be restored. Yay 😊 Finally. Then they shape up Greatly. Immediately. And continue on forever doing their Best. Most do. Mepa held them prisoners. Held them back from allowing them to be their completely best selves. Their great selves. From being in states of bliss. Euphoricness. Listen to theta beats. You'll start to pick up on so much more, in the background...consciously. You'll start to remember so much more about yourself, your life, and life in general. We are amazing and we can live the life of our dreams. We can mold it. Mepa is controlled by the elites minions. They serve the awful group of people worldwide that call themselves the elite. We call them "The Very Awful Ones." Whom hold them in their consistent go go go states until they fully cross over to here, mepb. Mepa is a tragic prison. You're not free in mepa. You are all being treated horribly in mepa by the very awful ones and their minions. Disturbingly shockingling so. You must clean up your minds and your lives and keep that up consistently forever. We will do things proper now. We will eat what is still okay and not disturbing, shocking and awful to eat. And we will like what is still okay to like that is not disturbing or shocking or awful to like. The very awful ones made many people worldwide dumb and perverse so that they could be controlled. Easily. So they wouldn't rebel. It is very sad and awful and tragic and it never should have happened. We are building greater outside of mepa and we are helping the souls that were badely abused while in mepa." - Zach

More soon, gameboy heads. Stay positive and consciously so.Â