One All Around Consistent Eternal Moment

People are too busy focusing on money and their careers and nothings personal anymore. Not even a hello. Focus on yourself. Ya well, people are doing that a little too much. Look up, up from your screens, and notice a world around you with other people in it that also deserve as much respect as you yourself receive, from yourself and from your selected peers. So... when will things generally feel all around alright again? When we all start doing things differently, better? For real? Can we all just please become undividived within 2 weeks instead? Can we start caring for one another personally without thinking that has to involve anything wrong? When will 2011 come back? 2009? 2007? WHERE ARE YOU? ... maybe the government won't chage the years to where we go back, but we can. Consciously. And hey, let's do so. Lets view life as one eternal moment. One moment of Forever. How do we want this forever moment to be? How do we want to feel about ourselves and inside emotionally? Let's envision the greatest version of ourselves. I want to share this with people... Write A, B, C on a piece of paper. List the years of your life that you love the most. Write down the moments when you felt your best in your life. What were you feeling in those moments? Write those great feelings down that you felt. I was born April 30th 1993. Here is my example; 

A. - April 30th 1993 - December 31st 1997 - (interested, happy, excited, cool) 

B. - January 1st 1998 - December 31st 2007 - (lit, energized, hip)

C. January 1st 2008 - December 31st 2011 -  (confident, new, magical) 

Now, in my situation, I would incorporate all of those years and best feelings into my one eternal self. My consistent eternal self with my set out ways of being, listed A to C. Let yourself be very happy. Do it. I dare you. I dare you to smile confidently and to make yourself genuinly feel happiness again. Make life feel cool again. Make yourself feel cool again. Dress how you want to. Feel how you want to. Believe what you want to. And consistently choose to have enough courage to do so 🦋

Let's all do this ourselves. No one will do it for us, at least certainly not all the time (of this one forever moment - in strides, yes, but not consistently). Hold onto the great moments with others too, consistently as well. But generally, choose to direct your thinking in ways that will most absolutely benefit you, your life, and your loved ones. And stop being so impersonal to others and to yourself. Start making things personal to yourself, consciously. But in ways in which we are being great and being great together with others that do wish to finally feel alright mentally themselves, with us. And be careful, watch out for people that may only want to deceive and use you. Just because someone may come across as great to you... doesn't mean that they genuinly are. Some people, Thomas... Goon... are able to fool people very easily. Why, because no one expects people to be so fake and be so full of outright lies. No one does that. Bullshit, they do. Work on yourself... trust yourself, and really people... do not give into other people that want you to be awful for them. We all know a lot better and we most certainly can start doing better. And I mean, all around better. So can many of us... so let's do so, amazingly and consistently 🦋

Lets shape our lives Amazingly. What do you really like to do? Look back at your lost of best moments through your years here in MEPA. What was it that you loved, that you were doing then? What would an all around perfect week look like for you? Write down your best version of 1 week for yourself. Do anything you want in that entire week as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Be happy, sincere, heartfelt, relaxed, and light and joyful. 

Let's polish ourselves so greatly and tremendously amazingly 🖌