We Are Forever

All of this reconnecting and recollecting... is magic. This is reopening our memory. Who we are individually, and how we originally connected together, as well as who we chilled out with in groups and those who inspired us during these amazing feels and schedules of our lives. Our weekly routines from the 90's and early 2000's are re presenting themselves in front of us again, and many, many people, are now even aware of lucid dreaming. After the cemented re realization of lucid dreaming, we immediately became more aware of the reasons as to why we felt that our realities were constantly repeatedly slipping away time after time again for many different chucks of years. It is because we have been very out of touch with so much and what we are doing, consciously. Even simple, basic stuff. And who we were (are) as we were doing and going through everything in our lives. Throughout every year of our lives since we were born... We must shape everything greatly with our loved ones. Consciously we can do all of that. We must be consistently conscious of who we are during every moment. Even when the government announces a new year. We have been born into one eternal moment and we are Amazing. 

Words of advice for those who want to re remember how amazing that they have been since they were born into existence;

Start writing down your dreams in the morning. You will realize so much about yourself and about our eternal lives together. Let's all start changing things greatly together and consistently re remember that we are all consciously connected in live time. Just like wifi, we are routers to one another. Soul routers. On MEPA (Planet Earth), and MEPB (The Astral Plane) We have our natural abilities of subtle and direct communication, spiritually and physically for one another. Eternally. We are much more than these government digital devices and we always have been. For so long the many of us, collectively, have not realized our amazing connectedness, together... while on MEPA.