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The influential people laughing at the conspiracies all along are realizing many awful facts about the world. As well, just like me, that they were made to go along with it obliviously and foolishly so that they would look horrible in the end. That is what people  like Donald trump, Alex Jones, Thomas, and Goon do to people. They made you all spoken people for all of them at the same time and you weren't even aware of it. They really are clever and it is really unfortunate that many people fall into awful traps set up by awful people serving awfulness. 

Be careful of what you take in. Regardless if it's mainstream media or underground media. You matter and you are supposed to be happy with tons of other people that sincerely love you in the most sincere cleanliest ways.

About Isaac's last video... if this was a normal video, Isaac would have been able to move around freely. We would not have been sitting in a frozen pose like he has been scared out of his mind. The same people that have falsely befriend me did so to him and convinced him of a lot of stuff that was not true. Then they murdered him. They pretend to be enemies with Thomas and others. They mess with people. They did so to me, Isaac, Tracy Twyman, Ian Murdock, Samuel Fullerton, Sgt. Mike Stephen, Kelly Giannini, and now... unfortunately... the entire world. Now so many people everywhere are calling each other terrorists while wearing masks on their faces and going along with an awful terroristic agenda... and they are unfortunately all correct.

The simple fundamental stuff about ourselves and about life bypasses most people. Goes right over their heads for the most part. We have been victimized since birth. Not much has been alright... but only masked to look so... but so much still doesn't look alright... and a lot is not alright whatsoever at all... and unfortunately that's been since before I was even born.