
Thomas Schoenberger and 'Gab Hoofman' (I can't say his name because of a court order) terrorize people and then they try their best to make sure that people to not listen to the people that they picked out online to terrorize. I have chosen to speak up though. They lied to me and they made me believe that they viewed each other in certain ways in which they most certainly did/do not. They are clever criminals. Con men. They con people. They set people up. They deceive people. They straight up lie to people and they straight up threaten people. They threaten people's careers, income, as well as people's very lives. They do not want to get caught for their many crimes. So they lie to people. They also entangle others in their lies. They want to distort the truth about their many crimes. That is what they are doing and it is what they have been doing all along. They do a lot of awful stuff. They also pick people out online that they deem as mentally unstable, financially unstable, or just easily gullable. People that are easy to fool. Easy to mess with. If Julie hadn't told me about the both of them then I would have still been making videos for them. It was Julie telling me that her, her boss Pio, and coworkers Loucia and Chandra were receiving threatening calls and orders from both Thomas Schoenberger and Gab Hofman and my other 2 mental health workers afterward saying what they said to me in my apartment that really made me realize a lot. I did not believe her until her other 2 coworkers came back into my apartment and said what they said to me about suicide. It was only after that, that I really realized that I should have listened to Julie then and trusted her word. It was then that I realized that I was trusting very bad people all along that were not my friends. They were people that were deceiving and straight up lying to me. They loop people in and they use them for themselves to look good. To distort the happenings of their own lives. They use others as cover for them. They don't want people to know that they are criminals working in cohorts with one another. They want to get away with a lot of crime. So far they most absolutely have been and unfortunately they still are. They are criminals that are lying. They don't want to be in prison. They want to look good still. They want to be bad and get away with being bad. I don't know how much straight forward I can get... they don't want to get caught. For what? Setting people up, puropesly feeding them lies, threatening people, and for some reason, trying to control narratives about how certain people have died... How can all of this, all wrapped up together, not all be seen as very suspicious altogether? These two people, Thomas and Gab, pay people to falsely befriend people, deceive them, straight up lie to them, set them up, harass, threaten, kidnap, and to commit murder. They pretend to be enemies. It is how they get away with their many crimes. They are con men. If you support one of them, you are supporting the other.

My former Canadian Mental Health Association worker Julie told me that these 2 people (Thomas and Gab) were calling, emailing, ordering and threatening her, her boss Pio, and coworkers Loucia and Chandra. I did not believe her at the time and I kept making and uploading videos of their own text. I trusted that I was being told the truth by one of them, but I certainly was not. After that appointment with Julie, during my next opponent with Loucia and Chandra, I told them that my other worker Julie had told me that. Julie was then pulled from working with me afterward. The very next time after that appointment with Loucia and Chandra, they came back into my apartment again for another appointment and they told me that about Julie (that she was no longer working with me) they also said to me "We just want to let you know that we support you in committing suicide because you speak about it too much and because we understand the seriousness of your situation... We also want you to know that it's nothing personal. People need to make money. Our boss Pio wanted us to tell you that." Loucia was the one who recited that as her and Chandra were sitting down on 2 chairs in front of me, in my apartment, as I was sitting in front of them on one of my chairs. Them saying that to me has stressed me out so much and that is also the situation that really made me realize that I was actually trusting very dangerous people that were not actually my friends. Not who I thought them to be at all, the whole entire time that I was going along with their online games and unknowingly actually covering up crimes of theirs for them. They stalk, harass, falsely befriend, use, deceive, lie, straight up threaten, and murder people. They also try to get people in bad situations on purpose.

Isaac Kappy died under very suspicious circumstances. The emails that I have regarding Isaac Kappy, in my dropbox, are also very suspicious. Thomas and Gab had me believing that I was doing good for Isaac and standing up against the 'New World Order.' By putting out their own text about what happened to him and standing up against his supposed killers. They told me that I was exposing it. When really all they were doing was using me to make me and what happened to Isaac, look a certain way. And they, the actual people involved in his life while he was still alive, look a certain way as well, regarding everything. Ways in which benefit them both (Thomas and Gab). It is evidence of a lot of suspicion regarding a very suspicious death. Thomas was never mad at Gab. I spoke with him over the phone back then so much. Althoughout the day and night. Gab dropped the court case regarding Thomas and ignored my much email evidence... and I'm not even allowed to say this while mentioning his real name... I supplied many to his one lawyer myself out of good heart, but they were not ever brought up anywhere and the over 800 of them, were never requested. I offered to send them all. The lawyer went silent and has not spoken with me since. It has been over a year. I am completely ignored and I am also not allowed to mention Gab's actual name. I am being silenced in a huge way. And no one really knows me... plus I have been worried for my safety because of Thomas and Gab... hence why I put that Zach and Sarah Instagram account together as well as this website. This website, Instagram and YouTube account has made me feel safer, and I have enjoyed blogging and making websites of goosebumps via Piczo back in 2004 to 2007, and I still want to be happy. I want to reconnect to better times in my life and make them present instead. I am frustrated though because I am in a very serious situation, have been for a while, and none of it has been addressed properly whatsoever at all... Cory and Alicia have done a great job, but all of this needs to go mainstream... People need to know about this stuff. And for this stuff to stop happening... a lot of people need to realize that it is happening. Instead of focusing on Johnny Depp's love life - focus on Isaac Kappy and the other people that are also in his situation that are purposely being conned, harrassed, stalked, threatened, and dying under very suspicious circumstances. People should care more about stopping terrorism. Bad people are doing really horrible stuff and lying about having done very horrible stuff and nobody wants to believe it. Why? Please watch Isaac's last video. Know that Gab, Thomas, their associates, and the people that they falsely befriend and use, wrapped Isaac into their online games, deceived him about who they were to him about themselves and in regards to certain others, and conned him into believing that they were apart of a legitimate special operation... Qanon (which is a bunch of awful people at the core of it that get others to distort actual crime), and to get Isaac to hand over the actual evidence that Isaac said that he had. They gained his trust just to set him up and silence him. They threatened his life and then they covered up having done any of it.... Then look through my dropbox. Thomas and them planned what they did. They got him to believe that he was the biblical reincarnation of Judas. Isaac was gullable enough to believe that. Thomas also told me over the phone that I was the biblical reincarnation of Zachariah. I was gullable for a while too and I believed it. They lie to people about who they are and what their intentions are. The people that did everything to Isaac are not as great as they want others to see them as. They are not great at all. Nor are many of them enemies, as the want others to firmly believe. Isaac fell for their traps. Please do not fall for them yourself. Stay away from both Thomas and Gab. They are both conmen. Just as much as they wanted to control Isaac's mind and what actions he took, is as much as they want to control the narrative about what happened to him (and are).

- Zachary Brian McQuaid