People Didn't Believe It - But They Went Along With It

I knew that this covid agenda was about the build back better agenda before covid was known to all of us worldwide. I told my workers about it. Even a week before covid went mainstream. They told me that I watched too many conspiracy videos... I told them that it would be the build back better environmental nwo agenda to depopulate us. They didn't believe me whatsoever. Foolish Zach. The same week covid goes mainstream they sit in my apartment with me and literally regurgitate what they were told to say... which was "14 days, flatten the curve. Build back better. Calm, cool and collective." Like automatons, for the government. They literally even said "build back better" ... Yet a week earlier they were telling me with total confidence that none of this nwo agenda was based in reality. The next week they are spokes people for it? ... it has truly been a bizarre life. They still don't believe that they are being victimized and victimizing others as well... Again, what a bizarre life. It is awesome to have been a part of mepa during it's last moments though. What a thrill of an eternal life. Mepb, breakaway lands, here we come - soon! People laughed at the potential of how victimized they could be. Now I understand why people during WW2 laughed and looked happy when they were getting on the trains to go to the showers and die. They were oblivious to the fact that they were going to die. That they were being slaughtered by a fascist government. They thought that it was something good. Worth celebrating. History has repeated itself again in a horrific way.

People already filrmy believe many false narratives about so many topics, so unfortunately it is not going to be until we all transition out of mepa that we will understand the truth about what happened to so many of us, together. Finally. Our lives are too bombarded full of digital devices and distractions. All together, we will not slow down and realize so much simple stuff. It will unfortunately only be once we have all transitioned out of mepa. I had to accept so many of us all dying very soon. All over the entire world. And so I have. I came up with the terms mepa and mepb because of so. As well as because of my lucid dreaming experiences and my near death experience in 2013 where I experienced life beyond planet earth (mepa). We all have to accept this now. We have been victimized since birth, but we were made to be oblivious of so many ways in which we have been/still are being victimized. As well, we have been made to enjoy our victimization. To laugh at rotten behavior and to think that being awful, perverse and degrading towards ourselves and one another is entertaining, funny, and a way to be. It's not. We should have been all around nice people. Appropriate without any layer of cruelty or gross perverted desires. We should all have had all around respect for ourselves and for others, as if we were all still children. Most of us certainly are children still, but unfortunately, in rotten, awful, ignorant, stubborn ways. We shouldn't be those ways as children, nor as adults. 

We are already to far into all of this, so now let's just lay back and relax and when we have to leave mepa soon, let's all gladly leave. It became a complete disgrace to us. As well of course, many of us made a disgrace out of ourselves while inhabiting it. Let's finally move on from the awfulness of mepa and the awfulness that we have unfortunately accepted for ourselves and for others for too many years. Mepa is not ever going to be better for all of us in 2 weeks. It never will be. Just remember your greatest states of consciousness and be in those states of being. Consistently 🙏. We will all soon truly be building back better, from mepb. It has beem/is great to have been born into existence with the many of you. I wish that we all came together, while in MEPA, and truly made things better together in ways in which we all agreed upon. But we did not, and that is a very unfortunate fact of life (mepa life). I only felt intense love when I was a child and during my near death experience in 2013 (from mepb) ... when I came back to mepa after my near death experience, I realized that the vibrational state of living here (in mepa)... is very low, muggy, sad and horrible, really. A prison. My euphoric states that I experienced from and right after my near death experience got beaten out of me by authority and by the much awfulness all around us all which wanted to remain consistent instead. 

We are eternal spirit beings... and we are free. But in mepa... we are not free. We are totally controlled in so many ways. We have to consciously free ourselves, before we do so physically, forever (if we want to feel free and experience so while in mepa). We have more freedom when we sleep. And once we permanently transition out of mepa. A new amazing chapter of our existences is coming into focus... we were born into eternity. We must shape our eternity grealty with one another and keep it consistenly top notch great. Let's not be awful at all.

- Zachary Brian McQuaid