Since Our Mepa Birth

I am glad that I can write about this now. With personal understanding. Mepa has been a shocking disaster for so long. An awful cruel joke that was never at all funny. Souls were majorly kept in ignorance to so much in regards to who they are and what they are doing. Since birth, souls that entered into mepa were subjected to nazi war criminals. Right away. Given a number by them and kept in consistent contact/remained having influence over every souls mepa life. These war criminals dumbed souls down and made them servantile to their idiologies. They were a part of, and infiltrated, many movements, and they corrupted them all. They gave us freedom in the form of government digital devices and injections. The freedom that they really meant, was not our rights. It was to die. To transition out of mepa. It was a cruel joke. A lot of people wanted to do good and to feel good, and so they became spokes people for the nazis. People didn't slow down. They did not think simply. They didn't even stop to really recognize that the people that they are being good people for, have blown up innocent families in 3rd world countries. Instead, unconsciously, and consciously, they bowed down to those people. Were they just afraid of them? No. Their minds... their very souls... were victimzed since birth by those people that they now just go along with. The awful play of mepa. Life could be so different. So better. But it hasn't been for so long. For all of us, since birth. There was so much that we were not consciously aware of at age 12 that we all should have been well consistantly aware of... lucid dreaming. Now we are re aware. Now we understand how to do lucid dreaming in a cemented way... but now we have to leave soon. We have become re aware that we truly are free souls, and that mepa was a prison guarded and ruled by war criminals. We discovered how beautiful we are during the end of mepa for most of us from ...hmmm maybe 1930 to 2022... not too many really old people left anymore. Maybe we'll all stay together forever, with the people of our time frame, that want peace - on another earth plane. Yup. Totally. It has to be on another earth plane. Mepb, and the breakaway lands attached to Mepb... Mepa was made disastrous for us on purpose and our souls were majorly abused. Let's get away from the war criminals. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. Consistently. Eternally. I believe that if Kurt Cobain did not transition our of mepa, that he would have helped make everyone around the world become more aware of states of euphoric consciousness... re aware of lucid dreaming and how to easily do it. He would have really proved, in a much huger way than he already has, how special we all really are no matter where we come from. That we must all be peaceful towards one another and not let awful people rule over our souls whatsoever at all. That we should be in states of consistent peace, love and empathy. Eternally together. Instead we all got war criminals and our most favourite influential people that came afterwards, as well as during Kurt's time, unfortunately do not realize how victimized that they have been since birth. Nor how amazing that we all truly are and that what we place into our consciousness, really, really consistently matters. And forever truly does. So much has turned awful.. hateful... even our favorite cartoons from when we were younger are being edited to look angry and be nasty. So many of us went in such horrible directions for too many years and it has all proved to be horrifically awful. We need to stop doing so, finally all become re aware that we are eternal spirit beings, and be very careful about what we allow and do not allow into our own consciousness... which will affect (shape) your eternal life. That involves other souls, entertainment, behavior, and anything else. Let's accept leaving here, but greatly so. We will soon fully experience our amazing freedom again and we will all consciously realize so much together and really be building back better. In Mepb, and the breakaway lands, where we have always been every night that we went to sleep as a child, and still. One moment. Our bodies just grew and our routines, objects, and politics kept changing. Not in all of the best ways either, unfortunately. Let's make Mepb greater as well by consciously holding ourselves together greatly while in Mepa. Shape the moments we have left here, in mepa, greatly, while escaping the awful holds of mepa as well, by embracing our eternal life. Mindfreak! Let's really start and make it consistent 🙏

- Zachary Brian McQuaid