A Simple Perspective

Looking at this situation simply...

Isaac goes on camera and states that his close Hollywood friends Seth Green and Clare Grant are involved in trafficking children for sex.

People think - "oh shit, they are gonna kill him if that's true..."

Thomas Schoenberger, as well as Michal A. Levine, who is a business partner of Seth Green's and best friends with Thomas Schoenberger, paid Zachary McQuaid to put out disinformation, misinformation, and lies regarding everything that happened to Isaac Kappy under the disguise of work regarding Cicada 3301, once Isaac suddenly died under very suspicious circumstances after coming out to everyone publicly and stating what he stated about Seth Green and his wife Clare Grant. 

People - "Shit.... they killed him and covered it up"

That is exactly right.

I did not know that was what was happening then, as I was going through it, but I see it very clearly now. 

By the way, I accepted a lot of very low amounts of money from them. Very low. In Isaac's 2nd last video (the one that is still online - he speaks a lot about how he accepted such low amounts of money). Thomas Schoenberger falsely befriended Isaac Kappy as well, after Isaac came out publicly and stated everything that he did regarding Seth Green and Clare Grant.

- Zachary McQuaid