
I want to involve myself and help people, in a huge way. I have always wanted to. Since I was like 7 I really remember so, and really, for as long as I can remember. Yes, some people that are famous as well, but not because of everyone else knowing them. It is because I care about their soul. They aren't a trophy to me, as I see celebrities are to so many people. Their own trophies. They matter to me, and they are abusing their souls, and letting themselves continuously get abused, for the consumption of so many consumers that have very low self esteem as well. That hurts to know and it shouldn't be happening either. I sincerely know that we all needed to understand a lot more, ages ago, especially about consciousness... lucid dreaming... and that we have all definitely needed to do a lot better than how we have already been going about many things... and unfortunately, for too, too long. I have the guts, the self respect and respect for others, to speak out against a lot of very awful people that use others as pawns for their own agendas and pockets. Their own careers and power trips. For the most part, this is an awful life full of narcissistic control freaks controlling and messing with the many of us, unfortunately. 

If I hadn't have lied about being on Goosebumps and related to Randy Quaid, then I don't think that they would have used me so much in such a big case. Regarding everything that I was to put out into video format regarding Isaac's case. They wanted another death as well, a suicide. I was an easy target that they perceived had a lot of connections and a previous role in a tv show. I lied. I infiltrated a group of very bad people and I tore their entire criminal larp apart. I uncovered how they are doing what they are doing, which is murder, terrorism, and a whole lot of more awful stuff. I also worked on my own thing, hence the many photo edits that are connected with the Instagram account that i put together (Zach and Sarah), videos, my writings - my lucid dreaming/consciousness work, etc, and this website. Anyway, fuck you, you Hollywood pieces of shit. Keep feeling great, as you get used up and spat out by a bunch of narcasstic control freaks that are just like the many of you. I always wanted to inflitate the entertainment system and fuck shit up. I wanted to fuck shit up, like Kurt Cobain did, and I found my own way to be able to do so. I love my role models. And yes, most people alive nowadays are not role models whatsoever. They are people consistently degrading themselves and their families, for money, and ego highs. Dopamine rushes. Role models are a thing of the past. Stay away from Hollywood and live a simple life everyone ❤ What you do, and what you place into your consciousness, really matters. We must stop accepting trash so easily.

I wanted to get involved in the entertainment industry since I was very young (now I don't), and since 2013 I wanted to follow Kurt Cobain's influence, in my own way. Lucid dreaming is real, and we all need to be cementedly aware of so. We have to start thinking eternally. Because we are. I believe that if Kurt Cobain did not transition from MEPA (Main Earth Plane A) that he would have eventually passed this basic knowledge around to everyone in MEPA, and people all over the world would really have understood consciousness, and all that they are capable of so much. Of making magic. Isaac Kappy knew about lucid dreaming too and he was also informing others as well. I really felt this, about Kurt, ever since my near death experience in 2013. We are All Amazing, but we value others like we ourselves are not just as amazing, and in our very own unique ways. Also, we should all just be able to get along. Just as Kurt said, it would be so easy for people to just get along... it should be, but there are awful people out there that still want to be awful instead. And I mean very awful. The majority of us should not have accepted so much awfulness happening all around us and to us. Ever.  

I remember a former worker of mine asking me "If Kurt was murdered, then where are his murderers?" The answer - They are walking around in broad day light. They are very awful criminals that lie, distort, cheat, threaten, black mail others, and really, they do just about anything else that is awful and illegal as well. They are just all around awful people that have really shown us how shitty life has been/become. We have been kept in states of ignorance and crime is allowed to happen all around us unfortunately, and a lot of people get away with a lot of awful crimes, because they are corrupted people and they corrupt others as well. They really like to corrupt, and, or, threaten others. They play a very clever game, and a great way they do so is by deceving others, as well as straight up lying. Pretending to be enemies with certain other people. They script their cover ups and they wrap others in that have no clue as to what is actually going on at the time. Why? To help them to help distort more of what they themselves have actually done. That is still what happened to me, regardless of me having lied about who I was, to get the chance to really be listened to, and be able to do something good for many people, which would be known worldwide. I knew it was a corrupted scene, but I didn't truly realize how they operated until after stopping an apparent court case that I was wrapped into. I really just want people to know how these people operate, and also, to become cementedly aware of lucid dreaming and the fact that we can all easily do so, and have been all along...   

So, I have accomplished all that I wanted to (except for an album of my own music... I need a band!, as well as I still need to fully heal from my experiences, the disturbing things that I was told/found out about, and what my former worker's said to me that they have gotten away with) ... and I have a lot of information now... so now, we just really need to spread it all. Far and wide 📡



Zachary Brian McQuaid