Hi, my name is Zachary McQuaid. I was born on April 30th 1993, and I am currently 31 years old and I reside in Toronto, Ontario.

Here is a brief summary of my own personal experiences in my life, starting in the year 2019;

I really, really have went through a very rough time since 2019. Really since 2009, when I was 16 and left home. I stayed in and out of shelters and on the streets on and off again since I was 16, up until 2017 when I was 25 years old. In 2019 though, I was such a total fool, as well as very self destructive and I got myself wrapped up into so many awful traumatic experiences that still majorly affect me to this day, every single day. I wanted to help people in some great noble way, but instead I got messed with and treated horribly with by people who claimed that they wanted to help me figure out what actually happened to Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy who died mysteriously. In 2023 another major event happened in my life and it is still really having it's impact on me. I became majorly depressed and super mad.  Now I am finally doing better than I was, still struggling every day, but I am also making music and doing a lot of stuff offline now that is better for me, and it helps. I have been treated like total dirt for so many years and it made me so mad. I regret becoming so angry over everything because of how that made me behave and because of the consequences that I faced for my own actions as well. I finally have good community workers that are working with me now. I needed a lot of amount of help but unfortunately for many years I did not receive any. Things were very rough... when I started breaking down once I had realized that I had been conned and set up and hurt by people online, it was right as covid broke... workers in the community weren't even allowed to see their clients for so long. I literally almost gave up. I am currently still really, really struggling to get through each and every single day... but I am doing my best to do so.  

I was being deceived by these people (Thomas/G***/the rest of their associates) and they were using me to deceive others without me even realizing that was what I was doing. I was manipulated into putting out misinformation and disinformation in with truth to distort actual events regarding the now deceased Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy and his unfortunate death (most likely a murder) which was ruled by the police and the media as a suicide. 

One of my former mental health workers had told me that two people (Thomas Schoenberger and another whose name I cannot mention because of an ongoing court case) were calling, emailing, ordering and threatening her, her boss, and my 2 other workers. She would not go too much into details with me. I did not believe her at the time and so I kept making and uploading videos of Thomas's own text up onto YouTube and claiming all of the things typed to have all been me who was the one typing them. That is what Thomas Schoenberger wanted me to keep doing. I trusted that I was being told the truth by him, but I certainly was not. After that appointment with her, during my next appointment with my other 2 mental health workers, I foolishly told them what my other worker had told me, and I realized afterwards that I shouldn't have told them. My other worker had told me that the police were dealing with it and that she wasnt even supposed to be telling me any of that at all...

After I had told my other 2 mental health workers that my other housing worker had told me those things, that worker of mine was then pulled from working with me. The very next time after that appointment with the two of them, the mental health workers came back into my apartment again for another appointment of mine and they told me that worker was no longer working with me. 

This is what they also said to me... and it made me so mad, and scared, as well as confused for years, and it most definitely still continues to;

"We just want to let you know that we support you in your decision in committing suicide, because you speak about it too much, and because we understand the seriousness of your situation... We also want you to know that it's nothing personal. People need to make money. Our boss P** wanted us to tell you that." 

One of those workers was the one who recited that as her and the other worker were sitting down on 2 chairs in front of me, in my apartment, as I was sitting in front of them on one of my chairs. 

Them saying that to me has stressed me out so much,  and that is also the situation that really made me realize that I was actually trusting very dangerous people all along whom were not actually my friends. The people who I was trusting and working with were not who I thought they were at all... That whole entire time I was going along with their online games and unknowingly actually covering up crimes of theirs for them...

The people online involved in Isaac's case stalk, harass, falsely befriend, use, deceive, lie, threaten, and murder people. They also try to get people in very bad, risky, extreme situations on purpose and purposely try to negatively affect the person's mental health.

I started having moments of falling back consciously, back into my childhood ages... It was all too much to realize and take in all at once and have happen to me. I even started to have very vivid lucid dream again, as I had used to do when I was a child. All because of the massive amount of stress. Everything that has happened to me, to Isaac, and to multiple others from Thomas Schoenberger has scared and traumatized me a lot. I know that my life is likely still in danger. I really, really have felt that it may be since the moment that I realized that what I actually now had in my posession... was email evidence regarding foul play regarding not just one, but multiple murders.

I was threatened myself via Gmail that I would be going to jail about the emails that I have (which on my website here I have made public - the FBI also has them thanks to Cory Daniel and another whose name I cannot say because of another court case that I currently am going through in 2024, since 2023. 

I confronted Thomas Schoenberger on his lies to me that I caught him in, and about the recorded calls that I had... He told me that my life would be completely changed forever by morning time the very next morning, and that I have committed felonies and that he does not fuck around. I was also consistently threatened by many other people afterwards - told that I would be put away for many years, and also have my apartment broken into and have my own head cut off. 

This website, as well as the Dropboxes, have been things that I have done that really make me feel a whole lot safer. I have found out a lot of very true, awful things, and it really is sad for me to know that many people whom I have admired who are involved in Hollywood since childhood, may not have been as great as I had ever admired them to be. Why can't we all do something great together, and expose so much awfulness that has been influencing our world... Speak to people about it, and explain it, while proving all of it as well. I worry for my life every single day. I know that all of this absolutely needs a very lot of attention and light shed onto it... so I have really, really gone far out of my way myself to try and make that possible - and finally I have.

Some of the people who worked with me are friends as well as business associates of Hollywood actor Seth Green. I realize now, that with Ill intentions... which was unbeknownst to Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy... falsely befriended Isaac Kappy, and gained his trust after Isaac had made public some shocking, awful allegations regarding his friends Seth Green, as well as Seth's wife, Clare Grant. After Isaac did that, unknowingly to Isaac, he was being set up in their online con games that they had all planned out against him... and they also had him murdered - On May 14th, 2019, on Mother's day. 

Going a little more in depth, I was used to help cover up a lot of it in 2019 to early 2020 by putting out other people's writing into video format and claiming that what was being read and said in the videos was my very own words and my very own work. I did not know that I was putting out lies mixed in with some of the truth. Thomas Schoenberger, the one telling everything to me who closely befriended me is the person who did, and I was paid to do so by multiple people. One of those people is Alex Jones' cameramen from Infowars Jonathan Wolfe, as well as a business associate of Seth Green's - Michael A. Levine, who is very close friends with Thomas Schoenberger and is known to be Thomas's best friend. Thomas Schoenberger is one of the people who befriended Isaac and gained his trust, only to work against him the entire time when Isaac was alive. He handled him right at and up to the very end of Isaac Kappy's life, in 2019. Thomas Schoenberger is also one of the people behind the infamous Q Anon death cult. 

Please check out my Dropbox account in the top link on my website on the home page which is full of email evidence as well as many of my own PayPal screenshots.


I foolishly trusted them and they had me even believing the misinformation as well as the disinformation that I was putting out to the public. I did not realize exactly what I was going through until just about a bit over a year later. At that time, come early 2020, the confusion, stress, and fear that I felt was way too much for me to handle. I didn't realize that I was also mixing in misinformation and disinformation in with truth, and nor had I realized the reasons as well as to why Thomas wanted me to do all of that. Many of the conspiracies really disturbed me and led me down a very dark road. I believed so much. So much that was and still is true, but also things that are also not real at all. The awful, very evil conspiracies made me become very mad. Very extremely upset. Come 2020 I had my own story on the subject to present to a lot of people... 

Yet since 2020, no reporter nor celebrity involved in the mainstream media that I went to wanted to shed any light onto any of all of this. Sharing what type of toothbrush they own matters more. They would rather use their large online social media following like that. Needless to say... overtime, because of all of the bullying that was happening to me as well... I completely snapped. I already had some mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Major Depression, and PTSD.

In 2019, I remember that I asked Thomas Schoenberger about a lot of my favorite influencial people who are involved in the Hollywood scene. I told Thomas that I was disturbed over a certain celebrity laughing hysterically at the thought of twisted people drinking baby blood. 

In 2020, I spoke with Jim Stewartson and Steven Hassan about a lot that I was told, and again, they told me that Thomas was feeding complete lies to me the entire time. As well as to try getting back into appreciating everything and everyone that I did before a lot of the Qanon conspiracies took over my my mind for many years. Bands, movies, tv shows, the people and entertainment that I looked up to. I did, and I have gotten over a lot for sure, but I still kept being disturbed once I started following a certain person on a certain platform, and that person was consistently posting things in a bullying way regarding Q Anon and it's victim's who have fallen prey to it... which is an awful death cult that keeps claiming lives... calling them names like "Q-tard!" to antagonize them, which is a word that Courtney Love sure likes to frequently use as well. 

Please stop victimizing vulnerable people even more into worse states than they most likely already are in. Be a part of a solution that is not mean. Having my own mental health housing workers telling me that they support me in my decision in committing suicide... feeling like dirt and feeling extremely bullied for so long... it all heated me up so much and became too much for me to be able to withstand... so in 2023, I finally really snapped... and I myself ended up actually saying some pretty awful stuff back myself. Unfortunately I ended up going to jail for so for 5 months... It was not the greatest of experiences, that is definitely for sure. 


You can read more about my situation and more mainstream news stories involved in reporting on it here at;











You can read more about Thomas Schoenberger and Q Anon at;






In 2010, I was also made a public example out of on basically of how not to be to thousands of people, and I was being sued for 1 million dollars... thanks to a man who is highly involved in the entertainment industry in Hollywood (whose name, as well, I can no longer mention because of a court order that is still in motion from 2020). Just Google "Zachary Brian Mcquaid" and scroll. You will find links about all of it. I wanted to stand up and do good things for those people who were murdered. I was deceived into thinking that I was. I was sent another Thomas Schoenberger's own text via Gmail and I was to put it into video format and claim it as all of my very own work. As well, they wanted me to copy and paste their own text onto people's YouTube comment section's and Twitter posts. I was paid via PayPal after I uploaded each video onto my YouTube account.

Really, really bad, terroristic networks of people find people that have their own YouTube channels and they falsely befriend people from there, as well as from any other online platform where they can find anyone that is into conspiracy theories. They find people that they see as mentally unstable, that are also into conspiracies, and they falsely befriend them and they mess with their minds and with their very lives. They feed them all sorts of nonsense about any conspiracy theory that the person may be interested in knowing about. They feed them a ton of misinformation and disinformation, intentionally mixed in with some real news, so that people will in turn discredit everything altogether as a false story. They want them to also put out their misinformation and disinformation to others through their own YouTube channels, Twitter accounts and basically any other online platform where they can connect with others. 

This needs to be addressed and stopped from being able to consistently still happen. How these people online have affected others mentally, physically, and spiritually has been very awful. Their minds have been damaged by people that deceived them by pretending to be their friends and playing them off of certain other people, as well as having fed them awful news that was not true, as well as twisting awful news that was, and still is true, and it is all being spoken around as well as completely brushed off. All of this is very important though in understanding how our world has become so crazy and littered with so much misinformation and disinformation. 

A ton of subjects remain being littered on each and every day with a bunch of misinformation and disinformation still and no one seems to want to address that this is happening, in a crystal clear way to the majority of the people of the world, nor expose the names of those whom are playing these games with peoples lives... Why? What good are we really, if we know that awful things such as these are happening, yet we allow them to continue day in and day out? They are very bad people so let's just stay away from them and allow them to continue? Let's just keep believing that they are not seriously harming anyone and, as well, do work for them?

How good of a soul are we actually if we know and allow terrorism to operate all around us, and continue to turn our attention away from it... as well as our attention away from the tactics that these awful people use upon us, and allow it to all persist? If that is how many achieve a sense of feeling good then that is a disturbing view of how to be. 

The world is in crisis... awful things that have happened that have been a core part/reason for all the fascism that is currently happening in today's day and age ... need to be addressed, and as well, put to a stop. 

All of this needed to be addressed a very long time ago. Also, when these people become exposed, please do not start to do work for them all of a suddenly. Please do not give into the awful tactics that they use against others that they have already found online previously, on purpose, to mess with. They say that they are completely innocent and they blame others to be against their religion, politics, or just completely mentally unwell and or on drugs and any other substances. 

They look for people like that, that do struggle from mental illness and substance abuse. People like that are very easy targets for them and they exploit them, with the intention to already do so before they go to falsely befriend the individual online and feed them a ton of lies.

There are 2 main people that pretend to be enemies with one another that I unfortunately became involved with. They both find people online that are into Q Anon, and any other conspiracy theory, as well as who they deem as mentally and also financially unstable enough to be able to mess with. They play the court system round and round and they keep including more and more new people into their court cases that they themselves find online to manipulate and involve in their awful games. Both have been a big part of Infowars and they have given others the opportunity to go on Infowars to speak as well. All of this really needs to be addressed in a way in where these people are not leading how others view everything. That is always what they have been doing. That has been what they have been doing to others for quite a while, and they unfortunately remain doing so and that needs to stop. They are ingenuine and they are only wanting to terrorize people worldwide. They only want to continue to be able to still play their games and be respected, as well as feared, while doing so. They are murderer's operating in broad daylight, but of course, they do not say that to people. Some people just find out. Like I have and like Isaac Kappy, Tracy Twyman, Kelly Giannini, Samuel Fullerton, Ian Murdock and others have. They came to us with hidden motives and they pretended to be our friends as well as enemies with certain other people. They fooled us for a while, and that needs to stop from happening to anyone else. It truly is awful and it is happening.

I was very naive. I was very dumb and what was really happening to me, for the longest time, all went right over my head. I actually wanted to do some good for the world, and in thinking that I was doing so, I was not and I was being set up. I was being deceived and being told some truth while being fed more lies consistently. 

I didn't think nor believe that anyone would ever go out of their way to meet someone and already have awful stuff planned out to do to them and lie and deceive them in such a straight up awful way. That is what they do though and it is what they continue to do. How long are the many people that I have contacted about all of this going to continue to ignore this and, as well, just brush it off?

It is truly awful and it needs to be properly addressed by someone that has a much greater and sincere influence than any one working for Alex Jones that are knowingly awful and deceivious and purposely taking advantage of others. Again, all of this awfulness needs to be cleared up and addressed rather than be ignored, laughed at, and completely brushed off and allowed to continue. It needs to stop. If I can be a prime example of that as well, then so be it. Hopefully people will then listen to so much that has been going ignored as well as covered up.

After having gone through all of that, still in 2020, I then started having Zoom calls with Jim Stewartson and Steven Hassan. Two people involved in the Hollywood scene and they told me that I was deceived plenty by Thomas and all of the online conspiracies. They suggested that I get back into what I used to like. The music, movies, tv shows and influencial people that I used to adore so much before all of the pizzagate conspiracies. So I did so, but a lot, regardless of those conspiracies, still shocked me and hurt me plenty.

Though what I have to share with the world, which is very important, is consistently being ignored. I really became so mad over the years because of everything.

I am doing a whole lot better now though, here in 2024... 5 months of a break did a lot of good for me. I am really dealing with everything a lot better now. That was the longest time that I have spent off of the internet since 2004 when I was 12 years old. The break from the internet I most certainly needed. I hope that you all continue to follow my progress as I continue along in my journey with everything that I have going on on my life... I have been expressing myself by creative means myself now... through art, writing/poetry, and music. I even have my own book currently in the works. I have started to actually start helping myself, myself... as well as with some extra positive supports now. 

I would like for my situation that happened in 2021 to now be dealt with in legal ways. What my workers boss had that worker say to me in my apartment with my other housing worker back in 2021, has been very damaging to me ever since. Very emotionally, physically, and spiritually so. I taking my case very seriously. I would love for them finally be held accountable, in the best legal ways, for what they all did to me and to many other people that know about it and also suffered from it because of how it all very negatively affected me.

By the way... this is a big point that I have to make... Misinformation and disinformation are being mixed in with shocking awful news that IS TRUE, so that all of that news regarding what IS TRUE, will ALSO easily be dismissed by the average person. People behind getting people to do their bidding on this know that this is what they are doing and also getting others to do for them. They are intentionally doing so and this is the main fact that the mainstream media will never say. If they did, we would not be laughing at awful tragic shocking stuff that unfortunately actually is true (but has been purposely mixed in with misinformation and disinformation) by bad people and bad people using vulnerable people who do not know any better yet. The news will simply not state that simple fact... and a lot of celebrities do not want the public to know these facts, as well. Criminals (whether they are a celebrity or not) want to get away with their crimes, they do not want to be known for their crimes... and especially celebrities. Many of them are narcissistic and only want people all over the world to admire them and to never see their shady side (s). 


Thank you a lot for reading more of the basic key points in my case.

*Unfortunately I cannot name the business that my former housing workers are working with. I do not want to get into any more trouble. I am doing my absolute best to deal with all of this legally and as best as I can.

Also, a public apology directed to myself, my deseased cat named 'Tiny', and to everyone in their agency that work there as well by my former social workers, with media outlets present is what I am also requesting. I will never let any of this go. Have not for years and never will until that apology happens. 


I have remembered it every day since it was said to me (that about suicide by my workers by their boss who wanted them to repeat those words to me). I can never foget that moment. Nor the time when I seen them both after that, and I asked how she could say such a thing to me to which her response was "Well you do speak about it (suicide) too much..." and the other worker said nothing again... in response I stomped off and I left them by the Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto where we were sitting at a bench across from it at the side of the mall right by the big outside arena rink.. I then received a call from their boss P** and he told me that all of my workers were pulled from working with me, that I was no longer alowed any mental health help through their agency by anyone at all, but under the rare exception I was allowed to keep my housing because they did not want me to be homeless again, especially while I was going through all of that very serious court stuff (back then in the year 2020). 

That has completely changed my life ever since, and in a lot of more very awful ways, but also in some good ways as well, but it is unfortunate that it had to all be because of that very situation where one of my (now former) workers said that to me about suicide while my other worker was sitting right beside her while she was saying that to me and nodding her head in agreement the entire time in a mature/professional like manner. 

Also, I named their company's name and their personal names on my website in the recent past, and a bit after doing so, I received a letter in the mail stating that I had to remove their names and their companies name from my website as well as from my petition, and that if I did not do so, that I was at risk of losing my subsidy... 

So that is why I can no longer share their names nor company's anymore. Thank you though so much everyone for listening to me. It's been a lot of years holding the stress of that inside me. I have struggled a tremendous amount from all of that (what the workers said, as well as what Thomas Schoenberger did to me and what all came out of that after so).

Now... In summer of 2023, one of my favorite celebrities ended up charging me and sending me away to jail for 5 months, and while there I was sexually assaulted and harassed plenty of times over by an indian male in his 40's who is a LTO/DO (Long Term Offender/Dangerous Offender) - whom was also named Thomas as well. He pretended to be the same age as the celebrity I liked just to build a closer bond with me. He told me that he pet my hair in my sleep as I was asleep on the top bunk... Also, I seen the certain celebrity who had me charged and sent to the jail there, on the tv through my jail cell speaking about the sag actra events and I balled in so much emotional pain so badly. That was the worse.... I told him, and he comes up to me and hugs me in the cell and at that moment he bites my neck (in a sexual way for himself). A lot more went on which I might share at a later time. Unfortunately I cannot name the name of the celebrity though because of the court order... and, I am now also not allowed to contact any celebrity online through social media and I am only limited to Facebook, YouTube, my website, and my petition now thanks to the current court order). I am really struggling with all of this still and it is all really holding down so heavily on me, and it all has ever since the year 2020. Thank you to everyone who has shown their support for me and has taken the time out to sign my petition (we are over 400 supporters so far!). Thank you all so very much and God bless you all. 

Again, thank you all a very major lot for your support. My petition matters so much to me in every single moment of every single day, and I really, really mean that.

I would also like to add, that during 2019 I was going through such a rough time, so much so that I started blacking out, going out of body, and freaking out and panicking a lot. I yelled to one of my workers at the time who was in my apartment. Not at her but to her, and it was only my own frustrations because of what I was going through at the time with that group of online people, the 1 million dollar lawsuit, the lies, threats towards me, etc. I know that their boss didn't like me yelling at her. He had told me before so. Yes, at the same time that specific mental health housing worker told me that they were all receiving threats from Thomas Schoenberger and one other (whose name I cannot name because of a court order that is still in order), but it may not have been from those threats though as to why he wanted the other two mental health housing workers of mine to say that to me about suicide... it may just have been because of his own anger because I had yelled in the face of that previous worker. Still, both are not right, and I am dedicated in doing better, myself, and so much in bringing to light what their boss had the other two of his coworkers come to my apartment to say to me in the year 2020. Again, it was these following words;

"We just want to let you know that we support you in your decision in committing suicide, because you speak about it too much, and because we understand the seriousness of your situation... We also want you to know that it's nothing personal. People need to make money. Our boss P** wanted us to tell you that." 

  • Zachary McQuaid


2020 court document.
2020 court document.

Isaac Kappy's last saved video 2 days before Isaac was murdered. He was being held here and was forced to make this video. Unfortunately Isaac still believed some of the Q Anon stuff at this time because those close to him that were working against him were people fooling Isaac into believing the Q Anon stuff... one of those people was Thomas Schoenberger. 

Cory Daniel interviewing Isaac's mother. 

A TMZ hit piece on Isaac Kappy.

Another TMZ hit piece on Isaac Kappy.

Cory Daniel phone interview with me in 2021 regarding my involvement in the Isaac Kappy case, Thomas Schoenberger, Cicada 3301, and a lot more. 

Some of the emails available in my Dropbox account.

A couple of videos taken during my breakdown in 2020 to 2023.

One of Donald Trump's political team members (Robert David Steele) speaking about Thomas Schoenberger...

Steven Hassan on Mayim Bialik's YouTube channel. Steven has helped me out a lot. I am very grateful for him.